Chapter 13; "Harley Keener"

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HEY LOOK AT THAT A DIFFEREN'T POV! and by that i mean 3rd person :)

Peter hopped out of the car along with Tony and Stephen. He held his notepad filled with the letters in his hand. "H E K R A R N L, E?" He took a pen out of his pocket at wrote "Harley" under the letters he had written down already. That uses up half of the letters he had and almost spelt out Harley without the Y. He looked at the letters remaining as the three of them walked into the tower and to the elevator.

K, E, N, R he didn't know where the letters that were missing went either. He stared at the notpad blankly wondoring where the spaces could be.

"What is he looking at that notepad so focused for?" Stephen whispers to Tony out of curiosity.

"Dunno, he pulled it out shortly after I mentioned Harley." Tony whispers in response.

The elevator doors open and Peter steps out still looking at the notepad as letters run through his head, "I can hear you guys no matter how quietly you whisper." He states leaving the two men there in shock as they had forgotten about his heightened hearing.

Peter walks to his room knowing his mom wouldn't get back until later tonight, along with Steve. He sits down in his chair and pulls out his phone to call Ned. The phone rings twice before he answeres.

"Peter what are you callling for? I thought it was movie night with May." Ned says as he answers the phone.

"Yeah it was supposed to be but she's in Hawaii, but I don't wanna talk about it." Peter explains, "Anyway I think I know who green is, and I'm supposed to meet them in an hour or so."

"Dude that's awesome!" Ned exclaims from the other end of the call.

"Yeah, can you run through the school system any Junior named Harley?" Peter asks of him.

"Uhh yeah sure, but Harley is a pretty common name." Ned states.

"Yeah I know but I know most of the letters of their last name already." Peter starts getting antsy in his chair as Ned looks through the school district names. "The last name letters I have are K,E,N,R" Peter states. Clicks of Ned's mouse are heard as Peter waits for results.

"Here we are, there's two Harley's with that name, Harley Keener, and Harley Banker." Ned states.

Peter's heart drops at the sound of there being two. He's silent for a moment.

"Peter? Peter do you know which one you're meeting?" Ned questions after Peter had been silent for over a minute.

"No... No i dont..." Peter mutters. "Can you see if one of them works at S.I?" Peter asks.

"Peter, they both do." Ned states, "Huh, what's the chance."

"Yeah... what's the chance...?" Peter repeats in his head with dissapointment thinking he got all excited for nothing.

"I-I gotta go." Peter stutters out and hangs up the phone ending the call. He throws his phone on the bed in frustration. "I got so excited, and for what?" He thinks to himself annoyed. There's then a knock at his bedroom door.

"Come in." Peter calls out to the door. The door then opens reavealing Tony.

"Hey kiddo, Harley's here you ready?"

"Y-Yeah I'm ready." Peter responds he then walks over to hid bed and throws a sweater on.

"Alright he's on the intern floor." Tony explains as he waits for Peter. Peter walks towards him and the two of them walk to the elevator. "He's a really good kid, you two actually have some stuff in common."

Peter looks at Tony with a half smile, "Like what?"

"Well you both like building stuff, and you've both worked on the iron man suit before, also you're both extremly smart for your age." Tony rambles on about Harley to Peter as the floors on the digital screen of the elevator decrease in number. The two arrive on the 6th floor and enter the intern floor. Peter had never been on the floor before since he never really actually interned there. "He should be at his desk." Tony states as he exits the elevator, Peter following shortly behind him. They get to the back of the floor and Tony spots Harley's desk with Harley sitting on the chair behind it. The two walk over to the seventeen year old who's intently looking at a piece of paper in a folder. Peter can't see him too well, just his face and his shoes, which is all he was looking for. His hair is blonde and fluffy, not curly though, it's thick too. Peter's attention then goes to the shoes; blue sneakers, not even convers. Peter gives a slight sigh is dissapointment.

"Hey dora watch." Tony greets making Harley look up instantly.

"Really Tony? Six years later and you still can't call me by my name." Harley responds standing up to give Tony a hug.

"eleven years for me kid." Tony retortes.

"So even longer." Harley laughs then notices Peter and stops laughing, "So, I'm guessing you're the famous Peter Parker?" Harley asks smiling at Peter.

"Yup, so Tony's told you about me?" Peter questions.

"Bits and pieces." Harley states and holds out his hand. "I'm Harley Keener."

Peter reaches his hand out and shakes Harley's, "Nice to meet you."

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