Chapter 9; tis ths season

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A/N: did i forget all about this part that was supposed to be out the 22nd? yes. am i writing it after christmas? also yes. anyway, hope you enjoyed your holidays! Now enoy this Christmas special... that is 4 days late...! and if you don't celebrate Christmas then... sorry? idk but happy holidays! huh don't know why part 8 didn't upload- go read that quick

Peter's POV:

It's finally here; Christmas morning. I'm awake fairly early, but no earlier than Steve and Bucky. I rush over to my bedroom window to look down at the city to see if it's snowed. It has, thankfully. it's not a lot of snow but at least it's some.

I then walk over to my dresser and get some clothes and then go into the bathrook to shower. Once I'm out i put on my Avengers Christmas sweater (it's the only thing i have) and some black jeans. I brush my teeth and then head for the elevator that'll take me to the floor below me with the lounge. On my way there I see Wanda in the halls with vision.

"Merry Christmas!" I greet them with a smile.

They smile in return, "Merry Christmas Peter, heading down to the lounge?" Wanda responds.

"Yeah, wanna take the elevator down with me?" I ask the two.

"We'll come down in a minute, you go ahead Pete." Vision answers.

I nod and walk past them to go to the elevator. I press the button waiting for it to come up. It doesn't take long though and the elevator doors open revealing my mom standing in it.

"Hey kid, I was just about to come get you to come eat breakfast." She says as I enter the large space.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask her.

She smiles, "You'll see." she then ruffles my hair making it more messy than it already was. I move to go fix it.

"Why must you mess up my hair all the time?" i question her.

'It's just funny." She answers.

The elevator then stops and the doors open. My mom and I step out and walk down the hall into the kitchen/dining room. I see Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Loki all sitting at the island while Bruce, Clint, and Dr. Strange are at the table.

"Hey kid come take a seat." Tony says to me as he gets out of his chair for me to sit down. I walk over to him and sit down while my mom goes to the opposite side of the island to get me a plate.

"You want some bacon Pete?" My mom looks back from the counter and asks.

"Yeah i'd love some!" I exclaim my excitement.

She grabs the bacon and sets it on the plate along with some pancakes and sets them in front of me. I look down at the plate to see the pancakes are Spider-Man shaped.

"Woah this is so cool!" I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket. I take a picture of the plate of food and send it to Ned with the caption; "I'm eating a pancake of me!" He quicky responds with, "DUDE THAT'S SO COOL! btw me and MJ are coming to the tower at two!"

I respond to him; "alright cool! see you then!" I then put my phone back in my pocket and begin eating. I look over to see Tony get out of his seat. "Where are you off to?" Stephen questions the billionare.

"Well someone's gotta get to work on finishing the decorating." Tony states.

"Surprised you aren't having your robots doing it for you." Bucky remarks.

"Oh I am, I just have to get the bins out." Tony states then exits the room.

"I'll help!" Stephen states running after him.

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