🐞✨Chapter Two✨🐞

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You looked out the window and saw the beautiful, massive castle. Then you saw kids leaving the train. Children of all ages, 11 through 17, going to Hogwarts.

You sighed and sunk back into the seat. "Ready for the unknown?"

"Yes," Luna said, "nervous?"

You nodded your head.

"Why? If it's alright if I ask."

"Well, my papa is alone for the first time ever since the incident happened six years ago. And I don't want him hurting himself because I'm at school." You explained, doing your nervous tick of twiddling your thumbs.

Luna looked at your thumbs, then up to your eyes. "I'm sorry you lost them. I lost my mum when I was very little so if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Luna. You're the best friend anyone could ask for." You said, smiling.

She smiled back at you for a few moments. You knew it was time to go but you wanted to say there, with Luna, eating sweets and talk about Nargles and other creatures.

Luna noticed your distress. "Would you feel better if we held hands as we walked to the boats?"

You nodded your head and she helped you up, out of the seat. Her skin was soft and your grip tightened as you and Luna strolled down the hall to get off the train.

"It'll be okay. I promise." She whispered quietly, only for you to hear.

After you both got off the train, you accidentally stepped on the back of someone's heel.

He had bleach blond hair greased back. Bright blue eyes that gave you the feeling of staring at broken glass, unlike Luna's soft blue eyes, that stared directly into your eyes. He had very pale skin that looked like Queen Elizabeth the I's make up.

The boy then glared at Luna, making your blood boil. You recognized this boy to be Draco Luscious Malfoy, but he didn't recognize you. Probably because you looked like your mum.

"Found yourself a girlfriend, Lovegood?" Draco sneered as he passed you and Luna.

Luna's smile dropped and she looked at you.

"Ha, you think your girlfriend will protect you?" Draco said.

You had enough and you pushed your nervousness to the back of your mind to deal with later. You walked up to the second year and slapped his cheek. Then you glared at him.

Draco scoffed. "My father will hear about this."

You laughed. "Oh sure, can't wait to see how the Ministry will deal with my papa suing your dad for laying a finger on me."

"Well, my father will out sue your dad."

You laughed again. "Well, Malfoy, my family is a direct descendent of Merlin himself and it's said that my family produced many strong and powerful witches and wizards. Oh also my muma was (Moms/name) (Maiden/Name), the reason why us wizards have modern medicine."

Draco stood there flabbergasted then glared at you. "What's even your name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

You smiled, grabbed Luna's hand, and walked to the boats passed the second year boy and his friends.

You knew you and Luna barely dodged a bullet but that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was getting to Hogwarts.

You never used your purity or your family name to get what you wanted but you wanted to make sure Luna wasn't bullied here. You were going to make sure of it.

Buttercup Baby (Luna Lovegood X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now