🍄✨Chapter One✨🍄

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You fiddled with the locket around your neck while you walked with your father in Kings Cross Station on your way to the best wizarding school in the world, Hogwarts. The locket held a photograph of your muma. A woman who you barely remember.

You vaguely remember that she smelled of honey and lavender and sometimes mint. The dull memory of her bouncy, (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and soft, (s/t) skin made you realize that you were so much like her but also completely different from her at the same time.

"You alright, my dear?" Your papa asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine Papa." You replied, resting your hand to your side.

Papa smiled and stopped abruptly at the platform between 9 and 10. "Well, we're here, (Y/n)."

He took your hand and you both walked between the 9 and 10 together.

You stopped before the train and your father knelt before you.

"I'll write you weekly if you'd like that." Your papa said.

"Yeah, I'd like that." You replied, then the train whistle blew.

"Well, you better go, my dear."

You nodded your head and Papa stood back up and kissed your forehead. Then you ran to the train. Once inside the train, you walk a little down the small hall and you found an empty seat.

You pushed your suitcase into the suitcase holder over the seats. After that, you sat down in your seat and looked out the window.

All of a sudden the train started moving and the parents waved as the train pulled away from the station. You waved back at Papa but you doubted that he could see you, making you sink into the seat. You fingered your locket again and opened it to see your mum's smiling face.

You smiled at the locket and then stared out the window, closing the locket.

"Excuse me, but can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." A girl with a soft voice asked.

You looked over from the window and to the girl. She had beautiful, elegant light blond curls. Deep blue eyes that shined like a million diamonds. And she had perfect pale skin exactly like fresh snow.

"Uhhhh sure." You smiled.

The pretty girl walked in and she put her bags above the seats.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). What's your name?" You asked her, smiling.

The girl smiled back "I'm Luna Lovegood."

You continued grinning, even though you knew that the Lovegoods were the laughing stock of the wizarding world. Besides, your family was as famous as the Malfoys and the Potters.

"I like your necklace." You said, complementing Luna.

"Oh thanks, it keeps away the Nargles. I can make you one if you'd like." She replied.

"I'd like that."

"Okay, what house do you think you'll get in?"

You shrugged "I don't know. My muma was in Slytherin and my papa was a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw but he was placed in Hufflepuff."

"I hope I'm in Ravenclaw," Luna replied.

The sweets trolley came around to your seat and you bought a lot of the treats of the trolley. You and Luna shared the candy.

"What's a Nargle?" You asked, sucking on a piece of chocolate.

"Nargles live in mistletoe and they steal things. They steal my shoes and my papers all the time." She explained, with a state face.

"Cool. Do you maybe want to be friends?" You asked her.

Lord, I am sooooo bad at asking this question. You thought, hoping that she couldn't read minds.

Luna smiled and nodded her head.

Then you arrived at Hogwarts.

Buttercup Baby (Luna Lovegood X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now