🦭✨Chapter Four✨🦭

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Your class entered the Great Hall and you heard echoes of oos and awes. You immediately looked for Orion, Muma's favorite constellation.

Luna looked over at you and you looked at her. Her eyes were glittering, reflecting the ceiling perfectly. God, you could get lost in them, easily.

"Do you like constellations?" Luna asked.

"I only know a few but Muma's favorite was Orion."

"I like Orion too."

You smiled then you heard Professor McGonagall and turned your focus to her.

"Students, when I call your name, I will place the sorting hat on your head, you will be placed into your house." She said then she called up names you recognized and names you didn’t recognize.

"Ginerva Weasley," McGonagall called.

You knew that name. Well, not the first name, but the last name. You watched as a girl covered in freckles with red hair and blue eyes walked up to the hat.

"Ha, another Weasley," the hat said. "I know where to put you. Gryffindor!"

The entire Gryffindor table erupted in applauds and the redhead walked over to the table, sitting next to her siblings.

"Luna Lovegood," McGonagall said, as she readied herself to read the other names.

Luna released your hand, with a firm squeeze and a smile, she walked up to the sorting hat.

As soon as the hat went onto her head, Luna was sorted in Ravenclaw. The table didn't clap for Luna the air turned awkward immediately. Everyone was filled with tension.

You clenched your fist but you controlled your anger. That's when you started clapping and congratulating Luna. Soon, all of the first years joined you in clapping. None of the others joined in though, which worried you.

Did I do something wrong? Your thoughts racing through your head.

After a few minutes of cheering Luna on, the clapping died down and Professor McGonagall was able to call the other first years up.

You retreated into your mind and thought of Papa and Muma.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." You heard McGonagall say your name.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." She called again.

Your cheeks turned pink as you walked up to the hat. The entire hall was eerily quiet but you could hear people whisper about your family. Mainly your mum.

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall." You muttered, then you sat in the chair and felt the hat land of your head.

"Oh, a (L/n), it's been a while since I've heard that name." The hat said. "Your memories are very strong and powerful. I see your father was a hat stall, I remember that. He had a wonderful mind that was both creative and kind but his kindness outweighed his creativity and he was sorted into Hufflepuff. And I see your mother was a Slytherin. A very talented, ambitious, curious young lady. Some of your thoughts and memories point to (random house that isn't yours) but most of them point to (H/h) soooo....(H/H)"

You smiled and walked to (H/h) table while the whole table clapped and cheered.

House that is Ravenclaw

Once you made it to the Ravenclaw table, you sat down next to Luna. The two of you talked for a little before Professor Dumbledor called for everyone's attention.

House That's Not Ravenclaw

You sat down next to two first years both had light brown hair, grey eyes, and brownish skin. They both smelled of honey.

"Hi," the boy whispered. "I'm Arron Wallace and this is my sister, Ava."

You smiled then whispered. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."

"Good to meet you," Ava said.

"So where's your family from?" You asked.

"Our parents are Muggles but Dad would be a Gryffindor and Mum would be a Hufflepuff," Arron explained.

"Oh, my family is full of witches and wizards." You said, looking down at the empty plate.

Then Professor Dumbledor called for everyone's attention. And everyone gave it to him.

Time skip b/c Ikd what to make up for Dumbledor to say

Ravenclaw House

It was time for your house to go to your dorm and you held hands with Luna the whole time. Everyone was wondering where Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were but they tried not to think about it too much. Most people were very tired after the long day of getting to Hogwarts.

When you got to the Ravenclaw dorm and went to the girl's side of the dorm room, you hugged Luna.

"Looks like we both got into Ravenclaw." You said, making Luna laugh.

You were tired so you flopped onto a bed and Luna picked the one next to yours.

Then you fell asleep.

Any other house

It was time to head back to your dorm and you talked to Arron and Ava but when you saw the Ravenclaw house leave, you saw Luna and waved to her. She waved back and then you went to (H/h) dorm.

God, you hoped that you could make friends in (H/h) besides Arron and Ava but hey, if that doesn't work you could probably still be friends with people from different houses.

Whenever you, Ava, and Arron got to the (H/h) dorm, you and Ava went to the girl's side while Arron went to the boy's side.

That's when you decided to go to sleep so you flopped onto a bed that wasn't taken and fell asleep.

Besides, you were ready for the school year to start.

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