💚✨Chapter Five✨💚

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Time skip to the middle of the Year when students were being paralysed.

You were worried for the Muggleborn students, unlike some of the students at your school.

You and Luna were walking together to your next class, Transfiguration, when Draco Malfoy walked passed you with his goons, Crab and Goyle.

"If you ask me, those filthy mudbloods deserve it," Draco said, making his cult following laugh themselves silly.

You were fired up. "Draco Malfoy, you take that back right now!"

Malfoy stopped in his tracks. "What did you say to me, (L/N)?"

"I said to take back what you said," you said as you crossed your arms.

Everyone was staring at you two. You've already made a name for yourself at Hogwarts by saying that Luckhearts lessons weren't teaching anything. Most of the students actually were agreeing with you on that.

Draco hissed, "Make me, (L/n)."

Luna watched you defend your classmates.

You made a fist with your hand and started a fight the good old fashion way.

Time skip because Karma, bitch

You already knocked out Malfoy's front teeth and had him on the ground before Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape pulled you off of him.

"50 points from (house), Ms. (L/n)," Snape said, pulling Draco away from you.

You glared at Draco, not caring about Snape or the points you lost. You could get them back from classes and stuff.

"Severus, I'll talk to her," Professor McGonagall said. "Come, Ms. (L/n), we'll talk in my office."

Time skip to cat mum's office

Minerva McGonagall's office was comfortable. In the corner you could see a scratching post for when she was a cat.

"I'll have to write a letter to your father, (Y/n)," she said, mixing sugar into her tea.

"Okay, he won't send me a howler if that's what you're hoping for, professor."



"Are you alright, dear?" McGonagall asked you, putting her hand on your arm.

You froze for a second.

"What's going on?" She asked again.

You turned away. You haven't heard from your papa in months and you were worried.

"I-I haven't heard from Papa in months, professor," you explained, your voice shaking.

You watched her, holding back your cries. And she watched you.


"What if he's dead? What if he needs me. What if-"

McGonagall raised her hand to silence you. You got quiet.

"Do you want someone to check in on him, dear?"

You nodded your head, "Yes, Professor. And about the howler, my papa wouldn't send me one for what I did. He'd send me a howler for cheating on a test but never standing up for others."

Minerva was quiet for a very long time before smiling at you.

You smiled and a few tears slid down your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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