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Logan and I were nearing three weeks into being official, and it was going really well... maybe too well. 

We were spending a lot of time together. We tried to see one another at least once a day, even if it were only for a few minutes. We'd get meals, study together, and often spend time at one another's places-- though I went to his apartment more often than he came to my dorm. We had almost no privacy at my place, and I hated the attention. 

But it was expected, especially given how Logan quickly made it known we were together. He'd asked me to attend the homecoming football game against Wake Forest, providing me and my friends with wristbands to sit in the North end zone. This side of the stadium easily had the best seats and was right near the home side of the field, where the team would stand on the sidelines. This wasn't even the claiming part-- he'd told me to meet him on the field after the game, where he had Trinity take pictures of us. Next thing I know, I'm being tagged in a photo of him kissing the bandana on my forehead that was posted on his instagram story. All the attention was overstimulating, but I couldn't deny how happy I was. 

"Are we there yet?" My cousin groaned. 

I rolled my eyes, looking at him through my rearview mirror. "We're ten minutes away, shut up."

It was the Sunday I was visiting my mom. I was indescribably nervous. Our relationship had unintentionally gone south after the death of her husband. What if seeing me only made my mom realize she actually hated me? What if I never truly forgave her?

These thoughts caused me to nearly cancel the trip, but Marquis refused to allow that and instead insisted on joining me. This prompted Logan to want to tag along as well. I'd texted my mom to apologize for the extra guests, but she responded seeming a bit relieved to know other people were coming. Marquis was her favorite nephew and they hadn't seen one another in awhile, so she was more than happy to have him and Logan over.

Upon me stopping at a red light, Logan casually placed his hand on my thigh. Our eyes met and he gave me a smile of reassurance. While he didn't know why, Logan was aware that my mom and I had a strained relationship. Him trying to console me, even without words, was heartwarming. The butterflies that filled my stomach were new and terrifying. I really did have feelings for this guy and it was scaring me. I lightly returned his smile and trained my eyes back on the road to get myself out of my head.

"Damn, can't y'all get a room?" My cousin pretended to gag. "Y'all been undressing each other with your eyes for the whole ride!"

"Man, shut up!" Logan laughed.

My cousin had walked in on Logan and I cuddled up on their living room couch the night we became official, seeming both unsurprised but happy we were finally together. He'd told me that he figured it was going to happen eventually, since he had both our locations and saw we'd been together a lot. I was relieved; I loved my older cousin dearly and didn't know if I would've felt comfortable dating his roommate and best friend if he didn't approve.

I pulled into my mom's apartment complex parking lot. Upon killing the ignition, I exhaled deeply. "Y'all ready?"

"Are you ready is the real question." Marquis noted.

I wasn't, but I tried putting on a brave face. "Let's go."

We all got out of the car. Logan took me by the hand, as I lead him and Marquis up the stairs and to the door. I shakily punched in the keypad code and pushed the door open, I clearing my throat to make sure I didn't sound as nervous as I felt.

"We're here!" I called out.

I instructed Logan and Marquis to take off their shoes and give me their jackets. I set the jackets in the coat closet, before we walked to the center of the living room. The smell of chicken filled my nose. I inhaled deeply, feeling a wave of nostalgia hit. I sighed, trying to push away the memories. Doing so only became more difficult, upon my mother coming into the living room and making eye contact with me.

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