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TW: Violence

"I know you didn't sit here and wait the whole time." I said to Logan, approaching his car.

He grinned, opening the passenger door for me. "I ran an errand then went to Chick Fil A to get us breakfast, but other than that, yeah."

I'd just finished my English final. It was pretty simple; we only had to give a presentation on writings from the genre of our choice. We also had to submit a creative writing assignment that I'd turned in the night before. The exam block was two hours long and had started at 7:45am, so for Logan to come pick me up after staying up with me to help me practice my presentation, was unexpected.

"Aw, you didn't have to do that." I moved to press a kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head so that our lips met. What was meant to be a small peck morphed into a deep kiss. I felt my cheeks flush when he pressed one on my forehead.

"I wanted to."

I started to reach for the bag, but he stopped me. "No ma'am, you know what day it is."

"Logan, no... I just got out of an exam!" I groaned.

"Too bad. You told me you wanted to lift more consistently. You can eat after a short workout."

I pouted. I'd mentioned casually one time that I wanted to be more active in the gym, because I wanted to up my pole work. This resulted in Logan actively carving time out of his schedule to drag me to the gym.

He was committed too. We went on the mornings I wasn't at the club the night before. If we weren't spending the night together, he would spam my phone to make sure I woke up. It was both annoying and endearing.

We arrived in front of the gym. "I didn't bring any workout clothes."

Logan gestured towards the backseat. I glanced behind me to see a pair of black spandex and a gray sports bra were folded up beside my favorite pair of Nike's.

"I didn't leave those at your crib." I noted.

"Evelyn let me in." I huffed at that. Logan had gotten Imani, Evelyn, and Trinity's numbers one night when he came over to watch a movie with us. He got along extremely well with my friends, including Karin and Eyoel. Chloe and Val were so jealous-- they haven't spoken to any of us since.

Once we checked in at the gym lobby, I went into the women's room to change. I braided my hair then tied Logan's bandana over top of it. I looked at myself in the mirror. The spandex looked as if they were painted on my hips, hugging my body nicely. I pulled them above my belly button piercing and adjusted my bra strap. Still pretty.

As I walked out of the bathroom to meet Logan, I noticed two guys do a double take at me. "Is it too much?" I asked him, gesturing at my clothes.

"Uh, no?" Logan gave me a confused look. "Why, are you uncomfortable? I can get a hoodie out my car if--"

"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

"Why wouldn't I be? I would never control what you wear."

I shrugged. "I know, but... nothing."

Logan stared at me for a beat longer, exhaling heavily through his nose. He then turned me around and sent a light smack to my ass. "Come on."

We spent the next hour going through various workouts. I couldn't deny Logan was a great trainer. It was never the exercises themselves that I hated; it was going to the gym itself. But Logan never made me feel uncomfortable or stupid. It was nice bonding time.

"Honey, if you're having desires just say that." I joked, as my boyfriend settled himself behind me to adjust my squat position.

He chuckled. "Don't put that in my head, or you'll feel something for real."

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