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"Miss Jade!"

I turned my head at the sound of my name being harshly called. The room went silent when everyone realized it was in fact Rome calling me, and not Tony. He'd been in and out of the club throughout the past few weeks, giving different girls feedback from their evaluations. It was kind of scary how some of the others did not return. We'd already gotten a few new girls, only making me more nervous.

"Yes, sir?"

"My office." His words were simple, and he didn't stop to wait for me before turning around to head towards his office. With the other girls, Tony would call them in to speak with him and his brother. Having Rome personally come get me had me shaking. We were easily replaceable, so nothing was stopping him from tossing me out. I knew Tony really liked me, but at the end of the day he wouldn't go against his brother. Once Rome's mind was made up, nothing could change it. I was silently begging for this to not be a bad sign; I really needed this money.

I quickly finished tying the silk scarf around my edges and slipped into my flip flops. I took a deep breath, starting out of the room.

"Good luck, babe." India called.

"Hope he doesn't fire you!" Peaches sang, though I knew it was insincere.

I ignored her and kept walking. I made my way down the hall and stepped inside Rome's open office door. I felt mildly relieved upon seeing Tony standing in the corner, but his straight facial expression didn't allow the feeling to stay for long.

"Sit." Rome ordered. I immediately plopped down on the nice leather couch and crossed my shaking ankles to appear more confident than I was feeling.

Rome looked down at a file that was clearly filled with my information and evaluation. He pursed his lips. "You're very talented, I'll give you that."

"You had the most positive feedback of all the girls." Tony proudly said.

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Shut up, Tony." Roma rolled his eyes. "Yes, by way of performance on the stage. You're 19, right?"

I nodded. "I'll be 20 next month."

"Hm, the next youngest is almost 24. So talented, but so young..."

"Oh, come on Rome. She's the least problematic of all the girls. She's just here to dance and make her money." I shot Tony a grateful expression for how quick he always was to defend me. He really did treat me like a little sister... which I guess was fine now that I had an actual boyfriend. "Our profits increased dramatically in the first month we brought her on, and even more once she actually learned the ropes of this place. She's the most requested--"

"You don't think I fucking know all of this?!" Th eldest of the two sent a glare up to his younger brother, who quickly quieted. "Tony, let me speak to the kid alone."


"Go get the other girls ready for opening." His tone wasn't harsh, but final. Tony gave me a look that made me fearful of what was to come. He'd always tried to be there for me as more than just a manager. I knew had it not been for him, I likely wouldn't have gotten this job at all.

"Have I done something wrong?" I timidly asked.

Rome exhaled through his nose, before picking up a remote. He turned toward a television, and I knew it was security footage. Turning on the screen, my heart dropped at the video being played. It was me and Logan making out, while I straddled his lap. Rome fast forwarded to another time where all Logan and I did was cuddle and talk for his whole session.

"It seems you've been breaking the rules for several weeks now." Rome noted, watching me closely for my reaction. "Who's the guy?"

"M-my boyfriend."

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