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I opened the door of my suite to Logan with a worried expression. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. "Hey, what're you doing here? I thought I was getting a day off from the gym."

"Are you okay? I thought you were coming over last night. I got kinda worried when you randomly stopped responding."

"Yeah, my fault... I had a long night and didn't leave the club till close to five." I yawned again.

"Why didn't you text me?"

"I was gonna this morning, when I woke up."

Logan exhaled heavily. "Deja, it's almost two in the afternoon."

"It is?!" I abruptly turned around to go back into my suite, hearing his footsteps follow behind me. I went into my room and grabbed my phone, seeing the plethora of missed calls and texts from Logan. It was indeed nearly 2pm. "Holy shit... I'm so sorry."

"It's fine; I'm just glad you're okay. Why'd you get in so late?"

I hummed, debating on whether or not I actually wanted to tell him. "There was... an incident."

"What kind of incident?" His tone was tense, and his hazel eyes had a fierce sense of protection that made guilt flow through me.

"Well... we had a bachelor party come in, and I was just doing my thing. The groom was a loser who got too possessive. He got physical with me, and--"

"Hold on, physical how?"

"H-he hit me, and uh... shoved me against my car. It's no big deal, really. I'm fine and it could've happened to anyone."

"Deja, that's not normal. Don't downplay it. Are you okay?" His hands grazed my cheeks. His voice was gentle, but there was no ignoring the hint of anger in his tone.

"I promise, I'm good. Tony wants me to take a few days off, though, which sucks."

"I understand, but maybe another break will be good for you. You've been working so much, and we've been spending a lot of time together in the gym." He hesitated only a second. "Let's do something special."

I frowned at his words. "What do you have in mind?"

"Just get ready and meet me at my house in the next few hours." Logan instructed. "Pack an overnight bag-- casual clothes and an outfit you'd wanna go out in."

"Huh? An overnight bag? Where are--"

My boyfriend shut me up by pressing a kiss on my lips. "Get ready. I'll see you soon. Don't forget to eat."

Once he was gone, I robotically did as I was told. As I showered and got dressed, I pondered what Logan could possibly have in mind that would require me to need specific outfits. I kept plenty of things at his apartment and would often help myself to his clothes whenever I felt like it. It didn't sound like we were staying at his place, but I couldn't think of where we would be going.

After I finished packing, I pulled on a black hoodie I stole from Logan. After putting on my coat, I shouldered my bag and grabbed my keys. I shot a text to the group chat I was in with Trinity, Evelyn, and Imani, letting them know I was gone. Once I left the building, I walked the distance to my car.

After stopping at Chipotle to get Logan and I both something to eat, I finally made it to my boyfriend's apartment. "That took less time than I thought."

I rolled my eyes at his cheeky grin. "I figured I could do my hair when we get to wherever we're going... which is where exactly?"

Logan picked up a book bag and slung it over his shoulder. "You'll know when we get there."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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