chapter 6 :]

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I couldn’t get back to sleep so decided to just watch TV but first I had to go pee. I walked into the bathroom and after I was finished I flushed then walked to sink to wash my hands. I put the soap on my hands and turned the tap on. I looked up humming the a theme song from something and saw a reflection staring in the mirror in front of me.

I screamed bloody Mary and in came Bekky running like our lives depended on it.

“What?! What happened?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Do I need to ring th- what the FUCK happened to your hair?!” she screamed in a rush.

“I don't know! I just came in here after I woke up and saw it” I hissed. She started laughing so hard.

“What?! It’s not funny!” I hissed “Shut up! Stop laughing!” fuck does she ever shut up.

She finally stopped laughing and just stared at me. She walked around to the back of me and grabbed a lock of my hair, twirling it around her finger.

“This suits you” she stated simply before walking out and probably going back to bed. Does she not see how we have a big ass problem? My hair and eyes are fucking black! And I didn’t do anything to them. I wonder if this has anything to do with the angel element holder thingy.

It has to be that because it says that the queen has black hair, black eyes and black wings. I lifted up my shirt, just to check if I had wings! I mean I felt different but my body felt the same. Get what I mean. I felt more power in my body but other than that my body didn’t feel different.

That's why I was so surprised when there were slits in my back that was in the shape of a big upside down V that ran from my collar bone down to my waist. I turned around and inspected my back from every angle possible. I wonder if I can see my wings. Can’t hurt to try.

I closed my eyes and imagined wings on my back. I opened my eyes and gasped. The most beautiful black wings were on my back. They were elegant and had beautiful swirls on them. The swirls were so light you could hardly see them. The tips had little black feathers lacing it. They were exactly the same as the ones in my vision, if you could call it a vision.

I ran my finger tips along the edges of the wings, being as careful as I could, and imagined them not on my back. The wings slowly started disappearing into my back until all that was there were the slits on my back. That had to be the most magnificent thing I've ever seen.

I walked back into my room, passing Bekky sitting watching TV. She probably couldn’t sleep. I closed my door and locked it before heading towards the window. I looked out and saw Ashton standing on my back lawn.

‘Do you believe me now’ a male voice said in my head. It sounded like Ashton’s voice so I looked down at him. He was smiling up at me. ‘Yes I'm talking to you’ the same voice spoke again.

‘How?’ I felt stupid talking in my head.

‘Easy, you’re my soul mate’ he said it as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

‘No! Leave me alone’

‘Do you mind if I come up and talk to you?’ he asked. I looked down and saw him flying, yes flying, up towards my window. It was open so he just came straight in. He landed gracefully on my floor and retracted his wings. I noticed that his shirt had two slits, the same as my slits on my back, which was probably for his wings so his shirt didn’t get wrecked.

“What do you want?” I whisper yelled. I didn’t want Bekky to hear me and come up.

“For you to come home, please” he begged like his life depended on it.


“Because we all miss you”

“Who’s we?”

“Your parents, friends, palace people”

“What are palace people?”

“Like the maids and cooks and stuff” he said like it was obvious.

“Maids!” I squeaked.

“Yes, your personal ones too” how could someone treat people like that.

“Don't worry they get paid like 50 gits a week” gits must mean dollars.

“It does” oh... wait I didn’t say that out loud.

“No you didn’t but I can read your mind, as you can read mine, because we belong together. Try it”

I closed my eyes and thought of Ashton. ‘I wonder if it worked? We are soul mates after all. Boy, does Serena look sexy.’

My head snapped up and my eyes opened. I scowled at him and he smirked.

“It works” he stated. “Please come home with me. We can go back to the way it was before you left. Please” he gave me a puppy dog look and I looked away.

I always fall for them! I peeked at him and fell through. The look on his face made my heart skip a beat. I only just realised this now but he is one beautiful man. Strong jaw, shaggy type hair, beautiful eyes. Magnificent.

I sighed, “Fine, just let me pack.” I started to move towards my closet when a hand stopped me.

“You have everything you need, lets just go” he said. I grabbed my crystal necklace and pictured my palace. The portal opened up before my eyes and Ashton grabbed my hand.

Just as we stepped into the portal I heard Bekky's voice.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! STEPH!!!!!” the voice got fainter until it disappeared all together.

Bekky’s POV

I heard some noise coming from Steph’s room. I jumped up and took the stairs two at a time. Something wasn’t right. I felt another angels presence. Steph’s husband. Or Serena if you may.

I am her protector and Ashton is trying to get her to go back home. I would let him take her home, if only he asks me first. He knows that. My real name is Bedina Firly and I am Serena’s  protector, guardian angel if you will.

I opened her door just to see Ashton stepping through the portal with Serena.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! STEPH!!!!!” I screamed. I couldn’t let her know that I was an angel, not yet anyway. 

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