chapter 2 :]

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After we polished off the pizza and got changed into our pyjamas we headed to bed. Bekky’s room was across from mine and we had two spare rooms for when Reese and the others stayed over. I tied my hair up and lay on my bed. I looked up at my bare ceiling and sighed. My walls were black and purple with gold and silver swirls on them. I had a wind half the size of one of my walls which had the black curtains tied at the ends with fabric. I loved my room all dark and mysterious, it helped me think.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but it never came. I looked at my clock next to me and saw that it was only eleven. I rolled out of my bed and walked over to my door and took my night gown off the hook and tied it around my waist. I yawned and stepped out of my room. I walked over to Bekky’s door, my feet making soft noises on the hardwood floor. I put my ear up to the door only to hear her light snoring.

I sighed again and stepped away from the door heading downstairs. I went to the fridge and got out a slice of chocolate mud cake. I looked outside when I heard a rustling near the window. I saw a black figure move through the back yard so I opened the door.

“Who’s there?” I yelled, but only silence followed so I tried again.

“Show yourself!” again more silence. I shrugged and walked back inside making sure I locked the back door. I walked through the kitchen and out into the lounge room, curling onto the lounge with the TV controller. I flicked through the channels and settled on Law & Order: SVU. I know it was probably stupid to watch shows like this late at night but I loved these shows.

I started drifting away into sleep when I heard something that sounded a lot like a gunshot. I jumped up, high on alert, and walked towards the back door and looked out. I heard another gunshot and looked towards the stair case, where Bekky was poking her head out. She walked over when she saw me.

“Did you hear those gunshots?” she asked, her voice groggy with sleep. I nodded.

“Yer, I wonder who’s out there. It’s not shooting season yet, is it?” I asked looking at her. She must have been half asleep still because she looked like she was thinking hard about it. Finally she shook her head.

“Should we call the police?” she reached for the phone when I nodded.

She waited a minute, “Police please,” she said into the receiver. “Hello? Yes me and my roommate heard gunshots out our back door,” she looked at me and I heard muffled words on the other end of the line.

“Yes, 38 Golden st, you know where that is? Okay see you soon,” she put the receiver back in the cradle. “They will be here soon,” I nodded then we both headed to the couch. She looked at the TV then at me.

“Law & Order? Really?” she raised an eyebrow, “At midnight?” she shook her head and tsked. I just laughed and continued watching the TV. About 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door.

“That must the police,” Bekky said getting up to answer the door. She looked through the peep hole before opening the door.

“Hello miss, I’m officer Stallone and this is my partner, officer Horged,” he motioned to the man next to him. “we’re responding to a call about gunshots,” I looked him up and down, dark hair green eyes, about 35, give or take. His partner had blonde hair and had brown eyes, he was in his early 20’s. Both wore the police uniform and had belts around their waists which held a gun each.

“Yes, through the back I heard it. Two gunshots,” I said looking at the older officer, Stallone. He acknowledged me for a second before looking back at Bekky. I waved my hand in a gesture that said this way. I walked towards the back door with the three on my heels. I unlocked the door and held it open for the officer to inspect the backyard. Behind our house was bush and when I looked out towards it I could have sworn I saw a figure in black staring at me. I blinked and he was gone. Must have been my imagination, I thought.

The officers went outside and swept the perimeter. They headed out towards the forest and walked about a meter into it. There was wind blowing and I had a feeling that something wasn’t right. It was a very chilling feeling and I shiver ran down my spine.

“Oh shit, I found a body!” Horged yelled. We ran over to him and I heard Bekky gasp. Lying on the ground was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His skin was pale and he had silver hair. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black coat that was unzipped to reveal a black tee. He looked about a year older than me. Stallone put a hand to his neck.

“No pulse,” he stated but then the man opened his eyes. We all jumped back in surprise. He had gold eyes and silver pupils. I heard a gasp and realised that I was the one who gasped. The man looked at everyone and his eyes rested on mine longer than the others. He stared at me and I stared back. The whole world was gone and it was just me and him there. I felt drawn to him, connected to him. He got up and ran. Just like that. The officers drew their guns and started shooting but he dodged them all and the officers ran after him.

He looked back at me and I heard a voice in my head, I’ll come back for you my love. I don’t know how but I just knew it was him saying that, but his mouth didn’t move. The officers came back claiming that the lost him but I didn’t really hear them all that I could hear was his words repeating over in my head. I’ll come back for you my love.­­­­ What did he mean my love. I had never met him before, had I? No I would have remembered somebody that beautiful.

But there was something familiar about him. I shook it off and walked inside. The officers were leaving so I went up to my room. A few minutes later Bekky walked in and sat on my bed.

“Did you see that guy? He had silver hair! That’s fucked up!” she looked confused I just nodded. “I mean his eyes were gold. Creepy!”now she just looked freaked out.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked. “You seem... quiet,” she stated.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe its because we just saw a man with no pulse and silver hair with gold eyes jump up and run away!” I snapped. She looked a taken back. “Sorry I didn’t mean to snap, it’s just, that man looked familiar.” She looked at me like I had to go to the nutter house.

“He had fucking gold eyes,” she said slowly, “How could he look familiar?” she looked confused.

I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m tired, night,” I said then curled up under my blanket. I heard her mutter something under her breath before flipping the switch to the lights and shutting my door. I drifted into unconsciousness.

I woke with a start. I know why he looked familiar. Because he is an angel in my nightmares.  

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