Chapter 10: Undercover

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So. I've decided this isn't going to be the last chapter in this book. I've decided to make it a few chapters longer. On the final chapter before the sequel, it with be labeled 'Finale'. So yeah, let's begin!

Your POV

"You expect me to kill Golden Freddy?!" You growled lowly. "Well exuse me. But that's not going to happen." You mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "Well. Then, I guess Fallon won't live to see the light of day again." He grinned evilly speaking sinister. "What the hell Freddy! Why do you want everyone dead! You want everyone to suffer.. Don't you?" You growled. "Just as much as you do~" He cackled. You growled. "Maybe I tried to kill people.. Well, want to know why? I was under the influence that they had been the ones who tried to kill Me, from the start. That was you all along.. and I had just forgotten." You lashed out, as his back was faced to you. "Now now, there isn't something that you can possibly do to remember a thing.. Am I right? Golden had been controlling you. He made you forget everything, I'm innocent. I would never try a thing on you." He cackled one more, voice cold as ice.

This made you grow angrier. He continued, "Why would you ever expect me to try anything on you? Aftere all, you are one of us-" "Are you serious?! You tried to kill Foxy! Slashed his chest open.. You tried to kill me multiple times, don't get me wrong.. You happened to try to kill.. Chica and Bonnie-" he cut you off. "Which you happened to do for me." He smirked. You gripped you head. "Don't do this... Don't lose control... Don't attack." You mumbled under your breath. "It wasn't my decision!" You growled demonically. Freddy took a step back. "Calm Down, I'm only messing with you." He snickered, turning around and began walking forward. "Calm Down?" You laughed evilly. "Calm down? Oh, I'm calm. I'll be calm soon." You started walking over to him silently. "Once I kill you." You mumbled loud enough, but only you could hear. You turned around walking back to where you had been when you awoke.

'You're alone..

You're insane...

You're forgotten.....

You're destroyed....'

Was all that repeated through your head. "Go away... Go away.... Go away!" You growled, as they stopped abruptly. "What's wrong with you?" You looked to your right as a deep voice came from. You saw a white box, with a red line going through the front of it. "Nothing's wrong with me." You snapped. "I'm sorry... I'm just really stressed..." You mumbled. "Freddy?" The voice asked. "Yeah.. By the way, are you just a disembodied voice?(<-- Incorrectly Spelled?) "Not exactly.... I just enjoy staying hidden." The voice spoke again. "And, my voice isn't actually this deep." The voice cackled. "Will you show yourself?" You questioned, with a low laugh yourself. "You've actually met me before... You may just not remember..." The voice spoke again as the marionette came out of the box. "Marionette!" You exclaimed. "You've been... Here all this time?!" You yelled/whispered. "Y-yep..." His voice had been between a deep and high voice. (You could say the voice a guy has when he goes through the p word XD puberty. 0-0 Ewwww)

"Did he force you to stay in here...?" Marionette nodded. "He's going to get it!" You growled. Marionette backed up. "Wh-What are you talking about?" He said nervously. "You'll find out, once it's done." You mumbled as you walked over the the door and smashed it open. "Freddy, where the hell are you!" You called, in a growling manor. You saw a furry head, pop out from behind a door. "You're calling for.....?" He groaned. "What did you do to the Marionette?" You growled looking into his glowing blue eyes. "I've done nohting to him." He snickered evily. "That's a lie." You growled once more. "What have you done with Fallon, and Foxy." You glared at him. "Now, Now. I have no part in that. That's all golden. I can't control what he does." You growled. "I know you have full part in that, don't mess with me. You cannot act like you don't have some part of him. He's your mistake, that you created. Everyone knows that." You groaned and growled at him. 

Freddy walked up to you. Eyes glowing yellow, mucus and blood staining his body. "Wh-What are you doing?" You mumbled nervously, trying to hide your fearfulness. "Only, something I've been wanting to do forever." He giggled quietly. Marionette peeked in from behind a corner. "Freddy, What in the world are you doing?!" His voice boomed through the small room. Freddy had a shocked look on his face, his eyes shot back to blue. "Heh heh... Erm.. You know just trying to get to know him/her." He smiled innocently. "Stop lying and get away from her." He growled at Freddy. Marionette back away, and went back to his present box and continued the music playing. Freddys eyes changed back to yellow, as the Marionette exited the room. He then pinned you against the wall. "You'll pay for what you've done eventually." He growled with a low chuckle.

"What I've done?! You're the one who's killed many innocent people, for an unknown reason. And you're saying for what I've done?!" You growled shoving him off you, and turning the corner to run for the door. "Oh why yes.. For you've been the subject we've needed for so long. We were never your friends... Not. Even. Foxy."

Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now