Chapter 11: The Truth Revealed

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Your eyes widened with pure rage. "Don't you even dare say who I am friends with. You have no part in saying, who I have aqcuainted. I don't trust you. You don't trust me." You growled. "I'm not doing your damn dirty deed, to destroy me and Golden."

Freddy shrugged it off. "Well, when your "friends" are gone. You'll realize what a mistake you're making." He grinned, as pure hatred boiled beneath your skin. "What's the thing you want me to do." You growled. "I want you to kill Golden, if you kill him. It'll release you from his manipulation." He told you. "Yeah. Sure." You groaned. "How am I supposed to do this." You growled, narrowing your eyes. Freddy growled back at you. "Bring Golden here, and I'll do the rest." He spoke as you nodded. "Okay." You sighed out.

You exited the small building you were brought to, moving back to the pizzeria. "Golden.. Why do you never show up when I actually need to talk to you?" You grumbled. Just as you said that, you felt a tap on your shoulder. The golden bear, appearing behind you. "What do you need?" His low and raspy voice, chiming in. "Freddy told me he needed you.. He said he was going to kill you..." Golden rolled his eyes. "That's not going to happen, although I am an illusion. He can't exactly "Kill" me." He chuckled. "You know.. I don't acutally want him to kill you. You've fueled the evillness my heart craved." You giggled evilly. "I kind of need to say something.. Killing Bonnie, and Chica. That wasn't me controlling you... Freddy took over me, and made me control you. So it would seem as if I were to blame. Freddy, he created me to go behind the scenes and do all the things he asked. Along as Vincent.." Golden spoke, in a way you've never heard him speak... He seemed, hurt?

"Woah woah woah... Who's Vincent?" You asked, in a now confused tone. "Oh... He's the one that killed the children and gave the animatronics souls.. Before Freddy ever turned to how he was after the Bite of '87 he have Vincent a task... And that was to kill 6 children, if you include Fallon.. So once that was done, all the animatronics were given the life they needed to go out with Freddy's plans. That's just want led the pizzeria to go down hill." Golden trailed off. You stood wide-eyed and opened mouth. "G-Golden.. I-I don't know what to say.." You mumbled, in a such confused manor, from this situation.

"I'm not letting Freddy hurt you longer. We're going back there and we're killing him. We also need to find Vincent..." You grumbled annoyed at the name 'Freddy'. Golden nodded as you made your way back to the building Freddy and the Marionette shared. "Freddy.. I brought him." You spoke harshly towards the bear. Little did Freddy know, the whole way here you and Golden had set a plan.. That just may involve taking down himself. "Hahaha..." He cackled evilly. "Let's get started? Shall we..?" Freddy chuckled once more, walking over to Golden. "Bite me." Golden spoke. Just as Freddy was in reach of Golden, Golden punched him in the center of the head. A large dent appearing. He growled at Golden. "What. The. Hell." He growled towards you. "You planned this." He narrowed his glowing yellow eyes. "Oh? Me... Hahaha, now I would never~" You giggled evilly. Golden looked at you and smirks as he tackles Freddy and claws at his throat. Freddy groaned. "Get off me, you idiot!" He growled attempting to shove the golden bear." All Golden did was chuckled and continue. "Next time~ Realize what you've created... You inserted powers stronger than you into my DNA~" Golden grinned, tearing the plastic coating that Freddy had around his neck. As Freddy's metallic body went limp.

Golden looked up with a crazed look in his black eyes. "We need to get, Foxy and Fallon. We'll get Vincent on our return to the pizzeria. But we can also save Bonnie and Chica." He spoke quickly as he darted to a location that was unknown. You followed his fast pace, as you continued to run. You came upon a small building where clinking machines were heard.

Golden ran through the right fitting doorway. "Balloon Boy, Toy Freddy, and Bonnie. Let go of Fallon, and Foxy. Freddy's dead." Golden growled in a demanding voice. Balloon boy began untying the rope that bound Fallon and Foxys paws and legs to the chairs. While the gags were still taped to their muzzles. Golden walked over, and removed them as Fallon panted. "Why did you let them do this to us?!" Fallon whimpered as more oil-like-tears re-identified her light grey year stained cheeks. "No time to explain, but we have a chance to save Bonnie and Chica." Golden spoke softly, as he walked over to the door. "C'mon guys. We need to hurry and get back to the pizzeria. We need to get Vincent back too.." He said as he motioned everyone to follow him. The small group began running to the pizzeria.

As you entered the door way, the place had been rampaged. Tables flipped, holes throughout the walls, tiles cracked, stage torn apart, and a shadowy figure in the corner. As well as Bonnie and Chicas figures standing just before you. Pupils bright red, as their bodies where damaged.

"We're too late... He's got them..." Golden whimpered.

I have some bad news guys... With these last few chapters coming out.. It's Bringing AYF (Accept Your Fate) closer and closer to an end.. It's hard to say that the 1-2 next chapters may be the last... I have nothing more to add, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm rewriting the same things over and over again... Book 2 will come out after This one ends, and also. 'Sirens' has been released. I won't spoil anything, so if you haven't already check out that! Anyways, I love you all and thank you so much for how far you've brought this book and my account in general. I couldn't thank all of you enough. I love you my little potatoes :3 <3

Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now