Chapter 7: Mangled

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(Don't hurt me in this chapter.. I want alot of conflict between you and Fallon, because this be my story and i like conflict and drama in stories like this. Top it off with more drama and you've got somethin' interesting... xD Anyways... Enjoy :3 )

"That's Great to hear Fallon, and I'm glad that you two are happy for everything to be renewed." You said smiling as Foxy Nodded. "Well, I be getting ready for me part in th' Show." Foxy said with is pirate accent. "Okay, I best be getting out of your way then." You said gently moving out from in front of the curtains allowing Foxy an exit.

"I see that you two are getting along very well." You spoke to Fallon Harshly. "What are you talking about..?" She whimpered softly. "Oh, you tell me. We all know you like Foxy." You growled at the new arrival. "Why are you being so mean all of a sudden...." She whimpered more. You glared at the Arctic Fox. "Shut it." You demanded "You knew I liked Foxy. Than you find your way back here and just stole him from me!" She growled quietly, but loud enough to get your point across. "Are you fucking serious?! I've known him throughout my whole life. You've known him for like 3 months! You cannot convince me, that i've stolen someone who's liked ME for my whole life. When you've only known him for a short period of time." She growled softly at you, leaving the cove and returning to the stage.

You shook your head.

'What happened....?' You thought to yourself walking over to the restrooms to wash your face. Once You entered you shut the door behind you, locking it. You heard a toilet flush and a door unlock as a child around the age of 9-10. "Hi (Y/n)!" The child said to you. "Hi." You said in a somewhat glitched out tone of voice. The child Unlocked the door and walked out as you turned around and grabbed them by their collar. "Aww... Why can't we have any fun...?" You spoke sinister. The child yelped faintly. "Dear, why are you scared?" You said picking them up and locking the door. "Wh-What... is wrong with you..?" The child spoke through tears. "Nothing Dear..." You said grabbing a knife from your pocket. "Now... All we're going to do is (Help me) play a game. (Run now while you have the chance....) That all i want to do.... It'll be fun~ Don't (Save yourself.. I'm gone..)" The child screamed quietly running to the door. Fumbling with the lock. "Now... Sweetie.. Why run away from your life?" You growled, Gripping the knife tightly before puncturing it right through the childs skull.

You dropped the knife. Falling to your knees, looking directly into the mirror.

Black eyes...

Blood dripping...

no escape...

You looked directly at the mirror. Freddy Flashed back and forth replacing your torn figure. Soon, Freddy's figure stopped. You fell to the ground, as everything went black.

(Time Skip to around 2 hours later. 9pm Closing hours.)

A knock on the bathroom door was heard. The continuous pounding, until finallly the door broke open. "(Y/n)?!!" Bonnie yelled. Seeing you soaked in blood, and the child unconscious on the floor. You sat up, confused. "What have you done?!" Bonnie screamed. "Did... Did you do this?!" He yelled furiously. "I have no... Idea... What happened...." She spoke, cautiously. Foxy, Fallon, and Chica all walked into the bathroom, as they followed Bonnie to the location.

Chica gasped. "B-Bonnie.... What happened...?" She asked nervously and scared. "I'm not even sure. The door was locked. (Y/N) was on the floor, and a child is unconscious on the floor and I don't even understand why their parent left without them." Bonnie sighed. "Guys... I kind of need to tell you something..." You whimpered. "I got in an argument with Fallon, and I have no idea what caused it. I came into the bathroom to wash my face to cool down, and something came over me and I killed the child... When I looked in the mirror my eyes were black with glowing pupils and Freddy... Freddy... Kept replacing my reflection...." You said nervously.

"Oh me god. Oh. Me. Fucking. God." Foxy stammered. "Thus be wh' he'd be plannin' all along...." He groaned. "He had said he'd planned somethin and befor' we restarted thus place... And th' it be working...." Foxy sighed. "What are we going to do... We can't let (y/n) keep killing more innocent children." Fallon stated. "We can't, there's got to be some way to get Freddy's soul out of him/her." Chica said sadly. "There's got to be a way that we can." You said cautiously, sighing to yourself. You sat up, standing slowly. "Guys... what are we going to do about.... that...." You said pointing to the child. Bonnie Shrugged. "No clue.." He sighed grabbing the child's limp body. "You get a mop. You need to clean up the bathroom." He replied sternly as you grabbed to mop cleaning up the bathroom.

After that situation was taken care of Chica made pizza and brought it into the dining room as yourself and all the animatronics munched on some food. "So, how are we going to get ourselves out of this situation, and how did Freddy end up reviving himseld or whatever?" You asked confused. "Well. The reason us animatronics have life, is because someone invaded the Pizzeria killing 6 children. Originally 5 but Fallon has a child's soul inbedded in her." Bonnie said as Fallon nervously waved. "But someone killed 6 children. One taking over me, One over Chica, Foxy, Freddy, and Fallon." Bonnie Continued. "But that's only 5..." You replied. "Shit! Guys.. We forgot about Goldie... The soul in the mirror... It wasn't Freddy... It was Golden. The most powerful of us all....  Shit shit shit shit..." Bonnie Spastically repeated. "We have no other choice... We're going to have to do something extremely Risky..." Bonnie Claimed. "Do you Trust me, (Y/N)?" Bonnie asked.

You nodded, nervous about what the danger would be. "This may sound Crazy.... But, i'm going to need to kill you." Bonnie Stated. "What?!!" You Screeched. "Okay. That may of came out worse than it sounded in my head. Okay, we have Spare animatronics in the back. I need to kill you, to remove your's and Golden's souls from your body and trasfer your's to a spare endoskeleton and costume...." Bonnie replied. "we could either do that, or let you be a crazy murdering machine. Which would you rather have?" He asked. "Let's just get this over with..." You sighed.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)..." Bonnie Sighed grabbing a knife. Last thing you knew everything was black though you heard faint noise before you completly left.

"Guys, hurry get the White, Pink, and red Foxy animatronic from the back. It'll be the easiest one to transfer His/Her soul into.. It'll give us easier access to transfer again. Just hurry, we can't loose the soul to Golden." Bonnie yelled as You heard clinking and metal hitting metal.

"Bonnie.. Are you sure this is going to work...?" Chica said nervously.

"I hope... There's no turning back now....." he sighed.

Last thing you remembered was the sound of Metal hitting Metal. And the animatronics sighing.

Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now