Chapter 13: Nightmare.

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The whispers continued. Why hadn't they ended?! Why is this happening...

You gripped your head, the crimson fluid flowing from your chest. You coughed faintly, as the corpses crawled over to you. Decaying bodies, black sockets, and maggots crawling around them, searching for a meal. "Why did you join the game..." One child- corpse spoke. You gripped your head tighter, as you coughed once more, the air thickening. "What do you want?!" You tried to scream, but turned into silent air. "No one can hear... You're long.... gone." Another corpse spoke from behind you, the air continuing to thicken. The children crawled beside you. "If you fix us.. we'll fix you." They all spoke in unison, their voices harmonizing. "How do I fix this..?" You whispered quietly. "We need our souls... If you can acquire those for us, we'll give you your life back." They all spoke In unison again, as an icy chill rolled down your spine. You nodded.. "But how would I return your souls to your body....?" You trailed off. "Remember the animatronics?" One corpse said to you, as you nodded in return. You nodded slowing, your air almost as thick as tar. "They're the reason.... we're like this." One of the smaller ones spoke. "What he's trying to say, is that once they mustered the strength to overrule their circuts, our souls were transferred into them. We had no use, we were too weak and fragile to break free." A female wearing a pirate hat spoke. You looked at the children, they were children again...

You smiled faintly. "But.. You see, you're falling deeper into a pit you cannot build, nor climb out of." The little girl with her hair in blonde pigtails giggled out. "Wh... Wha-?!" You concluded your short sentence, only to be tackled by an unidentified child. You growled, shoving them off you. You looked over to see whom you had shoved. The little blonde haired girl. You sat up, walking up to her, and lending her out a hand. She grinned evilly, shoving you backwards causing you to stumble and fall. "Fallon, she's down! Get her, and quick!" The little girl spoke again, as a little girl with silverish hair ran over to you. Bounding your hands together, and covered your mouth with her hand. "Got her Chica. We need to get Freddy over here!" Fallon giggled, sinister. She cursed against her cupped hand. Though it came out in only mumbles.

"I'll be right back! Freddy said he was going to the storage room!" Fallon nodded removing her hand swiftly, with your pleading eyes. "Chica, wait! The only reason I was brought here... The animatronics.. They'll hurt you." You whispered loud enough for her to hear. "Nah. I'll be fine." She spoke coldly, before bounding off to the unknown storage room.

Foxy walked over, as well as Bonnie. Taking in your figures. "Gee, the animatronics beat ye up real bad." Foxy spoke sadly, as Fallon bounded off to find Chica and Freddy. "Why would you care, it's not like you 5 are trying to save me anyways. You just want your souls back, and then completely lied and tried to kill me." You growled looking away. Chica, Fallon, and whom you supposed to be Freddy walked back in.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Yet another lost soul I see." The boy you thought was Freddy spoke. "Lost souls, shattered souls, broken souls." You murmured. "What's the difference between any of those?" You spoke quietly, slight annoyance ringing through your words. "Hmm, let me see." Freddy muttered quietly, lifting his finger up pointing to the ceiling. "Nothing!" He said cheerfully. You rolled your eyes. "No shit, Sherlock." You growled. "Why am I even bounded together anyways? If you wanted your souls back, then why would you even tie me up if I was the one who was supposed to retrieve them?" You muttered harshly. "'Ey, the laddies got a point." Foxy spoke, joining your side. Freddy was on him in a split second. His hands tight around his neck. "Join the mortals side, and I swear you'll be dead." Freddy growled, and to be honest. This actually scared you slightly. Freddy removed his hands from Foxy's neck, as Foxy gasped for air.

Freddy dusted his hands off against his black dress pants. "Now, I believe it's time we really introduce you to the animatronics." Freddy spoke, with a devilish grin on his lips. "Shall we?" Freddy snickered, removing the ropes from your wrists and ankles. You stood up, your legs weak, and your wrists aching from the tight ropes. Your vision blurred, as you became light headed for a slight moment. You groaned, lifting your hand to your head. Soon following the 5 children out of the room.

You walked out with them, Freddy trailing behind you. When you exited the room, the 5 animatronics stood there. Golden was no where to be seen. You sighed. "Ok. Now what am I supposed to do?" You asked quietly, looking at the animatronics. "You stay here, and wait for the animatronics." Freddy growled. Foxy, and Fallon were the first to move over to you. "Hello... Old friend.." Their metallic voices, low, raspy, and demonic. The other three followed. "We're not some dumb game, and we're not pawns that you can move to win." Chica spoke, walked closer to you. "Don't try to win, something you can't complete."

Your mouth gaped open, speechless and choked up. "I..I.." You coughed out, confused as to what they were all doing. The 5 animatronics eyes, black with a faint, white, glowing spot in the center. Bonnie walked up, his feet clinking on the ground. He pushed a cold, metal finger against your lips. "Now shut up. What you caused wasn't right, you caused us to be what we are. This is all your fault," he growled, his voice echoing, and ringing in your ears. "It's your fault!" He growled, yelling loudly.

You jumped back, startled by his abrupt outburst. You hit your head against the solid wall. You felt a sharp pain, as a thick, and warm liquid flowed down your back. Vision blurred, and you wobbled from the contact. Bonnie chuckled coldly, staring at your unbalance. He turned, looking away and walking back to the other animatronics. Freddy, and Golden walked up to you, blades along their fingers. A thick red, liquid. Surrounding the rim of their mouths, and tips of their teeth.

The chuckled in sync, gripping your body with their razor like hands. Immediately tearing the top layer of your skin. Blood dripping from the new wounds. You screamed quietly, your mouth soon being covered with a strip of duct tape. They slashed at your arms, chest, and face.

Foxy looked over at you, with a concerned expression. His eyes still dark, and lifeless. He tried speaking, though no words escaped. The red liquid poured from your body, a puddle beneath your weak, and frail body. "" Was all you could muster out, before you fell to the ground.

Hours later, your eyes slowly opened. Weakly, you looked around. Your head throbbing as a red fox animatronic walked up to you.

Your wounds continued to bleed, much less vigorous now. You coughed, as your old friends walked over to you. You looked around in blurred vision.

Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, Fallon, Marionette, BB, Mangle, and all the Toy animatronics.. Were all here next to you. "There's nothing to be ashamed of... You've been broken since the start." Fallon spoke, coldly.

"It's not our fault, that we couldn't repair you." Freddy spoke.

"It's not our fault, you were willing to help us." Chica muttered, solemnly.

"It's not our fault, you killed all of us." Bonnie spoke with a hurt tone.

"It's not our fault, that you caused your own pain." Balloon Boy whimpered.

"It's not our fault, you didn't continue the sweet melodies in your mind." Marionette cooed.

"It's not our fault, your memories are so dark." Fallon whimpered.

"It's your fault, that you continued our thoughts." Your mumbled out, in a terrified tone.

It's your fault...

The children are gone...
You're broken...
The reason we can't be set free...
You're gone...
The reason we're so hurt...
Your fault...

That there's no use but to just give up.

You were woken up, but a constant beeping.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Won't it just shut up alrea-?! Wha..?" You were cut off by a lady in a white jacket sprinting thru the door. Followed by your mother, father, and brother.

"She's okay...." Your mother spoke, tears forming in her eyes, whilst others streaming down her face. "Why wouldn't i... Be okay...?" You stated slowly, confused as to what had just happened.

"You've been in a coma for the past 3 months... You were playing that stupid game... Your brother found you on your floor with blood dripping from the back of your head after a loud scream..."


Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now