Chapter One: First Night on the Job

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        Oh boy, here it goes." You sigh quietly to yourself as you open the game reluctantly. As much as you enjoyed watching other people play this game, you were slightly nervous to play it yourself. The game tab opened. You put on your gaming headphones, and Oculus rift, High enough so that you saw everything in the correct perspective. You heard the Static, murmurs, and cries as you were brought to the title screen. You began to get a little creeped out already, but brushed it off, knowing what you'd be facing soon enough. You clicked the 'New game' button, as you were slowly taken to the newspaper article, explaining how, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeira, need an employee to work the nightshift. After the article fled the screen, you were teleported into the office you'd have to get used to seeing. You got the phone call as the game had offically begun.

You checked your camera's here and there. Waiting for any sign of the animatronics. Slowly but surely, the terror you'd awaited for began. You scrolled through your camera's checking Pirate Cove, and Show Stage as you realized Bonnie left her place on the platform her, Chica, and Freddy stand on. You looked around the office noticing no change in the atmosphere, or appearance. You looked over to your left door, and saw Bonnie standing there. You gasped and quickly shut the door, now offically freaked out. When there as been no jumpscares yet. You unlocked the door, and checked the light making sure there was no sign of Bonnie. You sighed in relief when the animatronic had disappeared. You checked on Pirate Cove, only to be Greeted by Foxy, making his way out from the curtains.

You checked your power levels as they shown 68% as the Clock shown 1am. You Sighed deeply knowing you wouldn't make it to 6am. "I'm using too much power. I need to stop checking the camera's so often..." You sighed once again, spending you time checking the many different screens in short intervals. Swiftly checking Pirate Cove, and Show Stage. Shuddering slightly and practically screaming, as you saw Pirate Cove was completely open, and Foxy was gone. You yelped smashing the buttons on your keyboard to your desktop computer. You continued smashing the keys you thought had been the ones to close the door. You had been wrong as you heard fast, steps scratching along the floor outside the office. You screamed as Foxy Jumped out from the door frame. Leading you to the end of the game, where you had been killed. You tried to exit the game, but you couldn't find the exit button. You pressed escape, thinking to yourself you've had enough of this game for one night.

Since you couldn't find a way to exit the game, you had thought of another way to leave the game. By removing your Oculus Rift. Yet you'd thought wrong. You tried to remove the machine, yet it had somehow gotten stuck to the area around your eyes.

You assumed, it may have just been a little error in the systems. Both your computer, and Oculus Rift. You decided, just to try the game again, maybe able to pass the First night. You entered the title screen once again. You clicked the 'Continue: Night 1' tab on the title screen. Leading you into the office yet again, getting the same phone call as the first time. You sighed, checking the two main camera's with no change. Evil laughter, filled your headphones, as you felt a cold shock down your spine. You shuddered nervously as you slammed both the doors shut on your left and right. Freddy's face flashed on and off your screen with the text 'Its Me' You whimpered silently. Closing both doors as you backed away from your computer, knowing there may be a jumpscare, at anytime.

You checked your cameras as you stayed backed away from your computer. You checked the time and how much power you had. 4am, 30% power. You sighed to yourself as Chica Jumped in front of your door. Without hesitation, you slammed the button to close the door. "I'm so, not going to make it to 6am. I'm screwed." You sighed to yourself as you checked the light on your right side door, to find Chica had left. You released the door, and checked what time it was. 4am.. Still? You now had 23% power. You continued to check your camera's being sure to check Pirate Cove, and all of the main camera's. You yelped, as you saw Freddy, had not been on his place, on the stage. You checked the dinning room, and saw his two glowing eyes in the distance.

You sighed silently, knowing he wasn't as close to you as you thought. Yet you were still trembling slightly. The clock had turned over to 5am. Though it still wasn't the time you needed to reach. You checked your power. 14%. "Shit...." You mumbled to yourself as you checked your camera's as usual. Foxy had started to come out, as you had your camera's off. "What the hell?!" You yelled quietly as you smacked your hands onto the desk in frustration. "okay, okay, okay. Calm down (Y/n)" You said to yourself once again. Your power continued to go down percent, by percent. Slowly leading you to have no more power. You heard Freddy singing as your power had finally drained. Sending you into a terrified stage. You heard his footsteps in a short distance, as the music started playing, and he was now in front of your door. "Turnoverturnoverturnoverturnover..." You sped speaked out.

The screen turned black, as you heard the clock making a loud ringing sound. The clock came up as it turned from 5am to, 6am and the cheering started up. You yelled with excitement, as your were transported to night 2. You sighed, knowing what was going to happen.

But hey. You passed night one. Congratulations.


Hallow guys! So~ This is Chapter one of my non-romantic Fanfiction. What do ya think? I know it isn't that long, but I didn't know how long I should make this? Give me some preferations down in the comments, so I'll get a basic idea, of how long these chapters should be. Anyways, enough of my speaking. Thank you guys for reading chapter one, and I hope you enjoyed, and will continue reading the book :D

Thank Youuuuuu~

- -RadioWave-

~Unfinished re-write~

  You sighed quietly to yourself. "Oh boy. Here it goes.." You spoke quietly, as you clicked on a game your friend had said seemed interesting. You had enjoyed watching youtubers play this game, though you ended up being nervous to play it yourself. You plugged in your headphones, and connected your Oculus rift to your computer. Before slipping it over your head, so that you saw everything in a realistic perspective. When the game screen opened, you heard loud static, and faint murmurs. You haven't even started the game, and you were already a little creeped out. You brushed it off, knowing that you'd be soon facing the actual terror you seeked in this game. You slid your mouse around, and clicked the 'Continue night' button. "Continue night? I haven't even started.." You mumbled to yourself, as the game screen begun. An article popped up in the center of the screen. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza... Looking for a security guard to work the... night shift." You read aloud, and quiet to yourself. The article exited the screen, and you were sent to the office, where the game had officially begun. 

          The phone rang, and it picked up. "Hello?.... Hello?!" The guy on the other line said, you listened as he spoke. Frantically checking your cameras, as you checked the time. "1 am?! Are you freaking kidding me?!" You growled, as you checked your power levels. "Oh great. I. Am. Going. To. Die." You mumbled in a growl to yourself. You continuously checked your cameras, and door lights. Making sure that there was no sign of the animatronics anywhere. Slowly, the true terror of this game came full force. You scrolled through all of your cameras. Bonnie had left 

 You sighed loudly, swiftly checking Pirate Cove, and the Show Stage. You shuddered, almost screaming when you saw that Pirate Cove was completely open, and you were vulnerable to whatever creature had lay behind those curtains. 

Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now