Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning with Charlie's arms tightly around my stomach. They weren't tight enough to hurt but just tight enough so I couldn't move. Wow even sleeping he still looks good. STOP Emily, you can't fall for your costar. I tried to slip out of his arms but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down.

Charlie: No your not leaving, now give me cuddles

Emily: Come on Char we have to get up and get ready for work

Charlie: No five more minutes

After ten minutes of cuddling, I get out of Charlie's arms and walk to the kitchen. I make some avocado toast with a fried egg on top for breakfast and I'm sitting at the table going through my emails to see if there's anything business-related. After bookmarking a few emails about photoshoots that I was wanted for I get up and go take a shower. After I was done in the shower I decided not to put makeup on because I knew we were going to be late if I did. After getting dressed and putting my hair up I walk into the living room to see Charlie on the couch. When he sees me walk out of my room he stands up and we head for the door. I grab my backup that I always leave by the door which has my extra phone charger, a water bottle, some snacks, and a change of clothes in case the cast decides to go somewhere after rehearsal and I need to change without having to drive all the way home. Charlie drove to Starbucks and when we walked in we both ordered our drinks. I know yesterday I told him he can pay but I'm still going to pay because I feel bad about him always driving me to set. After much arguing I paid and we went back to the car. As Charlie was driving we started asking each other questions.

Charlie: What are your plans after we finish filming

Emily: I don't know yet, I have thought about moving to New York with Owen and Savannah because that has been my dream for years but I also really like California and I might want to go there, who knows I might even stay in Vancouver

Charlie: Alright, let's make a deal, if your still not 100% sure what you want to do by the time we finish filming you come with me to Hawai and California. Who knows maybe we can even go to New York. You talk about moving to these places that you've never even been too, and who knows you can end up hating them

Emily: I like the way that you think Gillespie I might just have to take you up on that. Plus I'm all about taking risks, I mean I moved to Vancouver, moved in with a guy I had known for a month, and now look at me, I'm at one of the happiest points I've ever been in during my life.

Charlie: I'm so glad Em.

Authors Note: I don't know why but I feel like Charlie would be the type to beg for more cuddles in the morning. Don't forget to vote and comment down below so I know you are enjoying the story! Don't forget I'm always here if you need anyone or just want to make a new friend so feel free to message me.

Costars? - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now