Chapter Nine- Part Two

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The moment you have all been waiting for..... PART TWO

Charlie and I were hanging out when everyone came. We ordered Chinese food and had a big cast dinner. After we were done eating we sat in the living room and were watching movies. I was cuddling with Owen because we have been doing it for years, it was completely normal for us but I could see Charlie glance at us every couple of minutes.

--They are whispering--

Owen: This is nice, I've missed you

Emily: I know Owen and I've missed you too

Owen: We need to hang out more just the two of us, we've been best friends for years and I feel like everyone is taking you away.

Emily: Let's go on the balcony

Owen and I walk onto the balcony and close the door behind us.

Emily: Owen what's wrong, where is this coming from. No one is taking me away from you, we've just been super busy with Bootcamp, really the only person that I've hung out with outside fo work beside you or Caro is Charlie and that's cause he's my roommate

Owen: I got a call today from my dad.

Emily: What did Mike want?

I'm going to use Owen's really parents names so Mike and Dinah

Owen: My mom's in the hospital, shes sick

Emily: Oh my god Owen.

I embrace Owen in a tight hug as he sobs on my shoulder.

Emily: Mrs. Dinah is like a second mom to me Owen, I get what your feeling I really do, but I don't want you to think I'm going to leave you. Your mom is strong and she is going to get through this. I love Mrs. Dinah and I'll be here for whatever you need

Owen: I know, but I just can't imagine losing her, and we've been so distracted so that we haven't been calling home and I know it hurts both of our parents.

Emily: How about this, every morning we will call are parents on our break, no excuses.

Owen: We should go see her soon.

Emily: Are you sure that's not something you would want to do by yourself?

Owen: Em, you said it yourself my mom is like your mom, I know she loves you, you're her child too. She would be so happy to see both of us, plus you could tell her about Charlie and your crush

At this point, both me and Owen we're sobbing into each other

Owen: I can't lose her

Emily: Me neither

Once we had both calmed down we went inside. We sat back down on the couch and Owen falling asleep on my shoulder. After the movie was over everyone went home except for Owen. I was going to wake him but I realized he is going through a lot and he should sleep, I have some of his clothes that he can change into in the morning for boot camp. Charlie and I were cleaning the apartment and he was being oddly cold to me.

Authors note: Part three coming soon :) But jealous Charlie is the move. ALSO, CHARLIE SHAVED HIS MUSTACHE!!!!!!!!!! IF OWEN SHAVES HIM THEN WE MIGHT BE GETTING A SEASON TWO

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