Chapter 11- Part Three

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-- Charlie Pov --

As I walk into the studio I see Emily and Kenny working on the sheet music with the band. When Emily hears the door open she turns towards me and has a big smile on her face. She walks over to me and hugs me.

Emily: Hey, I was begging to think that you got lost

Charlie: Nope I was just talking to my mom

Emily: Are you ok? You seem a little different.

Charlie: I'm ok, it's probably just nerves.

After five, minutes of sitting on the couch waiting Emily and I walk into the studio. I look through the glass and see everyone staring at me. There we go, my anxiety is ten times worse. Do they think I'm going to fail? I know Kenny believes in me but what if he's just being supportive because that's his job. At this point, I'm starting to freak out and overthink

Emily: Charlie are you ok?

Charlie: .....

Emily: Charlie? What's happening? You're scaring me.

Charlie: I-I can't d-do this-s I'm s-sorry

I run out of the studio and find a bathroom nearby. I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands. I feel bad for running out like that but I just couldn't be in there. It was like the walls were closing in on me. After a few minutes, I hear a knock on the door.

Emily: Char.... It's me. Will you let me in, please.

I slide away from the door.

Char: It's open

Emily comes in and when she sees me her eyes soften

Emily: Baby, what's wrong.

Charlie: I just feel like I'm not good enough. Is Kenny only saying he wants us to record because he's being nice?

Emily: Bub, you are one of the best singers and songwriters I have ever met. Don't you ever think for one second that you are only here because of pity? Kenny believes in you, he believes in me, he believes in us. You are good enough. You are good enough for this show, for Netflix, you're good enough for me! Instead of focusing on the negative things about yourself let's focus on the positive. You are an amazing boyfriend to me, you are such an amazing friend to Jeremey and Owen, your such a good brother to Jadah and Sav. You are smart, you are funny, you're a good singer, and you're really good-looking. Now I want you to go into that studio and I want you to sing your best, but not for me, not for Kenny, and not for Netflix. I want you to sing for yourself because you are good enough and you can do this. I don't care if we've only been dating for a day but we've known each other for months so I'm just going to say it. Charlie, I love you, and I'm going to be here to support you.

Charlie: You love me?

Emily: Yes Char, I do, and I'm not just saying that.

Charlie: I love you too

I pull Emily into a kiss and after we pull away we rest our foreheads against each other.

Emily: Char, what's going on.

Charlie: I've been diagnosed with anxiety since I was 16 years old. It's hard for me to open up to people about it, that's why I was talking to my mom in the car, she was telling me I should talk to you.

Emily: I will be here to support you no matter what. I love you.

Charlie: I love you too. Now let's go record our love song.

Authors Note: Hello boys, girls, and my non-binary friends! I hope you are having a blessed day! I had written parts three and four as one part but I decided to be mean a separate them so look out for another part soon! Please don't forget to vote and comment down below so I know you're enjoying the story! Also, go check out my new story Comfort starring Louis Partridge and Jules Leblanc. Love you all and I'm here if you need anything!! Also go follow me because I post weird updates on my life there!

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