Chapter Eleven- Part Four

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Don't worry this is the last part of chapter 11! GO READ MY OTHER STORY " COSTARS" PLS

Emily and I walked back into the recording studio and Kenny was sitting there on the couch.

Kenny: Is everything ok?

Charlie: Yeah, I'm fine now. Sorry for running out like that it was just getting too much for me to handle.

Kenny: If you ever need anything, feel free to ask, I'm not going to judge you.

Charlie: Thank you, that really means a lot. I actually do have a favor to ask you.

Kenny: Shoot

Charlie: When I'm recording, Can Emily be in the booth with me. She really likes my support system and I think it would help if she was in there with me.

Kenny: Of course, as long as she's cool with it.

He turns to Emily and askes her. She agrees and so we walk into the booth.

After I finished talking with Kenney I recorded my first take of Unsaid Emily. Emily was sitting on a stool next to me holding my hand the entire time.

Random Producer = RP

RP: Can you try to face Emily for this. Sing it to her like it's the first time you're singing the song to her.

I turn and adjust my microphone so it's facing her. By the time I finished singing we both had tears running down our faces.

RP: All right, that's a wrap on unsaid Emily. Come back on Monday and we'll record Perfect Harmony.

Kenny: All right that's perfect because we go back to filming on Wednesday.

After they called cut I ran over to Emily and gave her a huge hug.

Charlie: *mumbling into her neck* I love you, thank you for being here

Emily: Of course Char

For the rest of the day I had to be with Emily at all times, whether it was holding her hand or hugging her I just needed that physical reassurance that she was there. After leaving the studio we went and hung out with Owen. At dinner time we left and got Chinese food and then cuddled in my room. We ended up falling asleep around midnight entangled in each other.

Authors note: Hello Girls, Boys, and my non-binary friends! I hope you're having a blessed day! Make sure to vote and comment so I know you are enjoying the story. I just want to let you know you ARE loved and you have someone in your corner no matter what. Never forget I am here for you if you need me and all you have to do is message me. You are here for a reason and no matter what anyone says YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Costars? - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now