Chapter 2:

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As I reached Dylan's old car, I noticed a blonde girl sitting next to him.

"Hey Dee" I smiled kindly at him and the girl glared at me. I simply shrugged not paying attention to her.

Of Mice & Men was playing loud in the car, and we all enjoyed it until blondie at the front seat whined and said "Dee can you please turn this thing off?" the smiled at him, I don't like her, I thought to myself.

And dylan turned it off, and I groaned. "Come on Dee, I like 'em" I pleaded with my eyes "Please" and he muttered a 'sorry' and I groaned louder. She turned around and smiled at me, "Oh shut up" I muttered.

"The fuck does she think she is?!" I whisper-shouted to my brother.

"Dee's girl" he said, and I didn't say anything just crossed my arms and leaned my head on the window and looked at the few cars passing, not many. well, it is passed 12pm.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, accept from blondie humming 'you suck' by abigail whatever-her-last-name-is.

When we came to a stop at our usual place, which was an old school that was abandoned for acouple dacades. People always say that bad people hang around here, but in all of the 5 years we've been hanging out here, I've seen no one.

I was about to help Dylan get the two guitars and the bongs from the trunk, and stupid blondie pushed me and helped him. I groaned and rolled my eyes, walking inside the empty building.

I Walked inside our usual room with a few seats and a old ripped couch and a old mattress, I sat on the couch.

Everyone walked in, one by one. "Ash and Chris coming?" I asked out loud, not really twards anyone, but for someone to answer.

"Yeah, Chris's coming with Tommy," he thought for a second and said "I don't know 'bout Ash though."

"Aighty then, Imma go outside and wait for 'em" I was near the door and Matt grabbed my arm, I looked down at his hand holding my arm with a little too much force, "Sorry," he muttered and let go, "Look she's not that bad-" he coughed, "well maybe she is, but you'll be okay, right?" he looked at me with a questioning look, I nodded back, smiled to him and went outside.

As I reached the outside I saw Chris and Tom coming closer "Hello dear friends," I grinned widely, they did also. "Hey Jess, 'sup with you?" Tom laughed, "I don't know," I shrugged, I hugged them both and they got inside, but turned around once noticing that I didn't tag along.

"You coming?" Tom asked me, "Nah, I'm waiting for Ashley," they nodded and kept walking twards 'our' room.

I pulled out my phone and and called Ashley, "Hey babe," I heared from her as soon as she picked up.

"Hey Ash," I said to the gorgeous girl, "Are you coming?" I asked her, "Yeah, be there in a few,"

I groaned, "A few what, minutes? hours? days?" she laughed, "Shut up hoe, I'll be there in a few seconds," she giggled. "I can actually see you, wait a sec," she said as she hung up. I looked at the phone with a confused look on my face as I heared a shriek and was tackled onto the grownd.

"Aaah!" I groaned in pain, "Get off me, you weigh like a ton!" both of us laughing.

I rolled her off me and helped her up, and hugged her tightly feeling tiny sparkles fluttering in my stomach, so tiny almost unknown.

"I've missed you," she said, I let go and looked at her with a fond smile, "You saw me yesterday, Ash." she shrugged and hugged me again.

After we stoped the hug that felt like it lasted for hours, but probably lasted about a minute, we went inside. As soon as she noticed Blondie -that I still dont know the name off, she elbowed me lightly and asked, "Who's hot blondie over there?" she motioned to blondie with her head. "Dee's girl," I answeres with an eye roll, "Ohhh" she looked at her again, "Okay," she said grinning.

Ashley sat on the old couch and took the bong and put it to her lips, breathed in.

She motioned for me to quickly come over but there was no space on the couch since the couch was for two people and tree were seated on it, Dee and blondie. So I just sat on her lap.

As soon as she pointed to her lips with her index finger, I knew what was going to happed.

My face was millimeters from hers and she made a tiny gap between her lips and so did I, then she blew the smoke into my mouth, and I blew it out. She smiled at me and returned the favor.

"Ew, are they lesbians?" Said Blondie beside me made a digusted face, "No they-" I cut Dee off before he could finish his sentense. "Hey blondie, why won't you shut up?" I growled, Her eyes widned "Unless you want me to chocke you."

"First of all, my name is aliesha." she said as she slowly got up and pointed at me "And you better shut up," she growled back.

I wanted to stand up and punch her in the throat, but I was still sitting on Ashley and she held me back and whispered, "She's not worth it babe," and caressed my arms as I sat back with my back to her chest, and got calmer.

"Hey babe, it's okay," Dylan told alie- no, blondie. he told blondie, and said "Lets just sit on a chair, okay?" and she nodded.

"More place for me" I muttered as they got onto a chair. I sat next to Ash and put my head on her lap, facing her and said, "I will choke her eventually, swear" and she laughed and said; 

"I'm not stoping you."


Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, hope you liked it.

And I still have no idea where I'm going with this lol.

U can stiil advise me on what to do with this shit-story-thing- whatever.

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