Chaper 8:

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I woke up when I heard slight noises next to me, I slowly opened my eyes not to scare whoever the fuck dared to go inside my room without my promission, ready to through punches.


"I was literally about to knock you out." 

"Jesus fucking christ." he lightly jumped and fell over from his crouching position next to my set of drawers -which he clearly went through, looking for something.

"You can't just care people like that Jess', Damnit." he groaned, sitting on his ass next to my side of the bed.

"Hey, you're the one who came in here without my promission in the first place, I can do whatever the fuck I want." I glared.

"Jessie?" I heard Ashley say tiredly behind me -since I turned to glare at my brother.

I quickly turned to her, held her face sofly with my hand, leaning on the other, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, who's here?" she looked over me and saw my brother then quickly covered up her beautiful legs with a blanket, "Oh."

I smiled at her and went to kiss her but she pulled back, muttering a quick 'Morning breath', putting some shorts that were laying on the floor next to her and went to my bathroom to -most likely- brush her teath.

I turned to my brother, "What do you need?"

"Why do you always think I need something, -"

"You were going through my shit, now get to the point." I rolled my eyes and laid back, he came and sat next to me, sliding his fingers through my hair, "Come on Baby Doll, we have to go soon."

I smiled lightly at the nickname, he used to call me that when we were little because I used to look like a baby doll when I was a kid and the nickname stuck.

"Where?" I questioned, we weren't really bonding lately -my brother and I- like we used to when we were younger, we fight more now.

"To figure out why got Ashley beaten up, and maybe beat the utter shit out of someone."

I sat up and hugged him, "What's that for?" He said, smiling at the kindly gesture.

"For caring, thank you."

We pulled away and he smiled widely, "You're my Baby Doll, I will always care about you."

I laid back down and snuggled into the blanket and got to the actual point, "What were you looking for?"

He looked down and I already knew what he wanted.

"No, you're not taking it, we can manage without it."

"We dont know who's with Cam, it for safety measures." I told me sternly.

"We were fine without using it before, we don't need it now."

"Don't need what?" I heard ashley from the door leading to my bathroom, my brother and I both looked up at her, I went to her caressed her cheeks lightly, "We're going to figure shit out later and -" I looked away lightly, "My brother wants us to take a gun."

Her eyes widen, jaw dropped.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I Have a gun. But I dont use it." I looked back at her, she seemed somewhat relieved that I said that, "Just be careful. 'kay?"

"For you," I went to kiss her, but she pulled away and I remembered that I didn't brush my teeth yet and mumbled to her 'Morning breath', imitating her and rolling my eyes, walking to the bathroom. She giggled lightly and want to lay back in bed, looking slightly in physical pain.

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