Beautiful Disaster Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

                “Thank you for being able to make it on such short notice.”General Guardian Gunn arrives entering through the doorway. I firmly shake his hand as he proceeds to the table in the middle of the room. Following in behind his lead, nine more guardians enter through the threshold. Each guardian is suited up in all black uniform built in with thick padding, ammunition, knifes, and other lethal weaponry such as; miniature explosive grenades that discharge needle coated with poison to paralyze multiply victims. 

“With matters that involve the hybrid it is my duty to take action immediately,” General Gunn words clip with a low masculine tightness.

The Eastern Guardians are one of the four specialized unions of the North, South, and Western organizations around the world that specialize in highly individual training in all forms of fighting techniques. After acquiring their special set of skills, each guardian is assigned to one of the three missions: hunting and killing demons, save and rescue orphaned halflings, slaves, and prostitutes, and or raise and train dragons.

Guardian General Gunn referred to his first name as Julian behind his back, motions his men into formation. The echo of their boots fills in between the empty space of their silence as they form a semi circle around the table; their hands folded in front, shoulder set back, and eyes forward. Each takes the stance of a warrior. Something that there halfling kind is very proud of.

“I’m aware that Luca, one of my men, is taking a necessary protection detail of two of your women?”

  I take my position in front of the room. Weapons of all the sorts crafted by the careful hands of the Inks cover all the walls. There are specialized handguns, grenades, swords, knifes, and many Otherworldly devices built to kill various types of demons. This weaponry is hidden beneath ground located somewhere on my lands.

Surrounding around the round table, covered in maps and battle plans, are my men ready for me to begin. Ian, on the other hand, is off in a corner drinking up some booze. The mixture of strong vodka and rum is heavy in the air. I cut him a dirty look. Ian jugs down another swig of his mixed drink looking nonchalant more than ever.

“Yes,” I confirm. “They are not to be involved in this rescue mission.”

                Gunn’s pointed chin nods once in approval

                Poppy and Izzy have been escorted downtown, Grand Haven to spend a few hours shopping. For their safety and wellbeing, Dean made it clear to have the girls uninvolved in the search for Avala; for the fear of their own kidnappings. Luca, an Eastern guardian, is the most highly trained in his team and offered to take up the position of protecting the two girls.

                “As you all are well aware the hybrid has been, once again, discovered.” My voice reverberates throughout the room. The weight of my words stiffens the air. I look to the dozen or more so eyes. A short moment of déjà vu reverts back to many years ago in the late seventeenth century. I had been standing in this very spot, looking to the recruits for the mission of rescuing my beloved, Catalina. She’d been taken from me after risking her life for my own. Even after so many years separating today’s present the memory is still fresh as if it happened yesterday. The rescue had failed. Catalina was lost to me once again.          

                “We aren’t quite sure how Avala’s name has been spreading through the Otherworld. But as you all already know there has been a demon attack in the middle of the night just about two days ago. Ian witnessed Avala escape through the woods. We’re confident that a pothole had transported her somewhere in the Otherworld.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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