Beautiful Disaster Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The way back was quiet. Troy dodged all of my questions. He seemed exceptionally surprised and angered after the mysterious when the boy had disappeared. We had finally arrived at the house. It’s been about an hour-and-half since Troy and I left. Poppy is probably worrying sick and is mostly likely out looking for me. Though, where Troy had taken me, she would never found us. Exactly the way I wanted it to be. Troy did well; really well.   

  Approaching above the round point of the cement drive, Troy slows himself, making a perfect landing. Directly in the interior of the round point is a small oval shaped spot of grass. It’s been neatly shaved with pink colored tulips surrounding the outer edges. Within the center is a beautiful fountain raining down small pools of water; adding more to heart of the drive.

Troy uncurls me from his grasp. “Thanks.” I mumble pulling away from his radiating warmth.

He looks down at me as if wanting to say something but instead he looks away grimly. I avoid his gaze and instead I look up seeing the mansion itself. It’s a giant thing. The roof is paneled with black tiles added in with two chimneys sticking up on opposite’s sides of the house. The mansion itself has been built out of light brown brick and for a finishing touch, a white trip finish. Round pillars, coated with a white paint, have been built all around the porch. The deck itself extends half around the house. Two balconies are on each side of the house that’s shaped like an L fashion. Below the balcony leads a tunnel for which the garage has been located behind the house. Turning away I freeze staring at the tulips around the fountain.

 The seconds tick by like a clock where each hand has been glued down.

“Avala I know you want to know—”

 I raise my hand. “No,” my tone is tight with annoyance. “I get it. You can’t tell me anything. But Troy, I don’t know what’s going on! All you do is avoid my questions and really Troy it has got to stop.”

Troy lowers his head his gaze shifting off to the side. A soft breeze carelessly carries itself along swaying over his blond hair. He seems unbothered as if the breeze is settling to him. “I know,” He confesses as those two words whisper out between his lips. “But—”

 “No. I don’t want to hear it.” The words scramble out before I had the chance to stop. “Do you even know that guy? Does he even know you? And,” I pause seeing the slight grimace cross his lips. “And what happened to me last night, Troy? Because obviously I wasn’t here sleeping. Something happened. Poppy made that quit clear before we left. Troy,” I breathe letting the anger seep away. “What are you avoiding?”

Slowly he inhales crossing his arms over his chest. “Avala,” he begins all signs of vulnerability gone. “I first would need to tell you about my wings.”

“But I already know what happened. You never—”    

He shakes his head. “It never happened.” The words were simple, white, and plain as can be. And still they knocked me flat as if a bolder has run me over. 

“What?” There’s something that creeps up inside of me. Something that’s horrid and dreadful. Troy seems unaffected, solid in his place. Then there it is plainly in sight. “You lied to me?!” My voice raises an octave higher. His wings withdrew naturally to his back where they lie with a tight compact. Pulling me close to his chest the vulnerability resurfaces his impassive expression. “Troy,” I pull away a little reluctantly. “Just…”

“Shhh,” he whispers relaxing around the curves of my body. My insides flutter like an abomination of butterflies blasting inside of me. I look up at him the gently formality. “I didn’t exactly lie to you, Avala.”

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