Beautiful Disaster Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“You know, I’ve been thinking about things and I think I have come to a conclusion.”

 It’s been two days. That’s the same as forty-eight long mind numbing hours, two-thousand-eight-hundred and eighty minutes that I spend wisely talking to myself, and there’s the seconds. Too many tick on by for me to bother with how many there are.  

“Everyone is simply just wrong. I’m not this hybrid everyone is after. I am just a halfling. I’m your normal and average halfling that lives among humans. There’s nothing wrong with that.” The high notes in my voice, however, conquer my pathetic failure to even convince myself of that. I know too damn well that I’m something else—but it hasn’t settled yet. To me all of this doesn’t seem real. 

I squish my feet in the sand, feel the sweet air combing through my hair, and let the afternoon sun keep me warm. Beside me a pair of spherical orbs, crystallized with green gem stones is staring back up at me. Honing me in, they twinkle with this certain upmost cuteness.   

“It’s just—”I sigh irritable with my own thoughts. “I’m not part of a prophecy that decides to destroy or save the world. I mean really who would want that kind of responsibility?” 

Not me.

I brush my fingertips over the kitten’s head. Recently I’ve discovered this baby kitten hiding away in the spare room of the cottage. It’s a long-haired tom cat that’s in love with idea of my hand consistently brushing him from head to toe. I’m sure James isn’t aware of my new found friend. 

This is ridiculous. During the past two days I’m being kept hostage on James’s island with hardly any company, my phone confiscated, and I’m blocked off from swimming in the ocean. Following rules and regulations isn’t something I’ve ever been good at. Somehow that side of me comes out more so when dealing with James. 

I’ll keep the kitten just to piss him off. 

The heat is rising and the ocean’s water looks very compelling. I know exactly what would make James tick. With him gone all the time and not bothering to tell me or even take me with; screw his rules I’m going swimming. 

I strip of my shirt and wiggle out of my shorts and race down towards the shore. On my way I run into a wooden sign blocking a part of my way. Itched within it is beautiful calligraphy that has a pretty little warning that reads: Don’t go in the water.  

I laugh it off. James’s handwriting is far too girly to be taken seriously. A few more yards beyond the first sign I run across another one. Warning: Giant Sea Monster! Really? Is this supposed to scare me? In James defense he would be calling it a thoughtful thing; a generous notation to insure my safety and help protect me while he’s absent. 

Putting up a dinky sign isn’t going to stop me. 

As I make it to the shoreline one last sign had been placed. This one particular is different from the rest. Instead of steady hands neatly etching the letters into the wood it’d been marked with deep gashes, menacing edges, and letters in all caps. 

Shrugging it off, I’m racing into the water. 

Without any hesitation I splash and kick my way through until I’m waste deep and take a refreshing dive under. The ocean’s waves wrap around me, blowing me freshening tidbits of the ocean blue. I make way through the underwater touching the sands with my hand. I keep to the shallow end knowing full well that my capabilities to swim are pretty pathetic. 

For what seems like an hour of two, I play in the waves letting them carry me as they may. The ocean’s shallow floor is bleak with just sands to cover the under land. Raining down, the sun’s rays split through the atmosphere which reflects on the tips of the waters. It’s soothing, remarkable feeling that relaxes my entire body letting me lie on my back and float as I may. 

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