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Y/n pov

I can't move my body

No matter how hard I try to its as if I have no control over it anymore
Its hard to breathe
Its like I'm being suffocated like all the air is being squeezed out by pure force
Its so dark
What's happening to me

So many things where running through my mind and I don't know what to do.If i can't move then I can't run or fight back.If i can't see I'm basically as blind as a bat at this point

Than from the silence came her voice a voice I long to hear

Mikasa:Y/n wake up

Y/n:Mikasa where are you I still can't see you

Mikasa:What are you talking about I'm here and thats what happens when your eyes are close you just need to open them

I tried with all my strength the open my eyes and it was so difficult like if I was trying to pick up a bolder with my hands

But when I was just about to give up I saw a small glimmering light right in front of me and then was once shrouded by darkness was consumed by light

My eyes took a adjust to light but than something covered and when they finally got used to it there she was looking down at me

Mikasa:See was that so har-

Without a second to lose I turned around and grabbed her and hold her tight in my arms


Y/n:I'm so happy your O-OK

Without realizing it I started to shed tears.After everything that happened.All the deaths I've seen.The lives I couldn't save.That little girl calling no begging for my help

Mikasa:Y/n what's wrong

Y/n:N-Nothing is wrong everything i-is fine now

I felt her arms wrapped around me and caused me to calm down a little but now I just need her

I breathed in her scent.How it smells like pine tress and grass I'm actually surprised she didnt have a hint of blood in her scent is surprising

Mikasa:Y/n are you sure nothings wrong

I know by the way of how much concern she put in her voice she was worried so I looked into her eyes and than my heart stopped
When I look at her eyes blood was dripping from them,her eyes looked lifeless,blood started coming out of her mouth,her skin the palest shade of white imagined her neck looked ready to fall from her neck

I tried getting away but when I did I tripped and landed on top of bodies.Bodies of my friends,bodies of innocent people....and horse face

But what scared and disgusted me was how the looked

They look like they have been eaten and spitted out,Eran was missing a chunk of his face from his left side and his neck looked like about to snap,Armin was missing right everything,Connie had his arms missing like something had bitten them clean off,Sasha was missing her head which lay on top of Annie who looked she was played like a rag doll from how much blood was coming out of her body and had her head open lightly

The smell was so overpowering so repulsive I would throw up but my body wouldn't let me.I wanted to look away I didnt want this to be implanted in my brain but I couldn't look away

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