The Reward

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So sorry about not updateing the story just got lot on my mind right know any way lets start.i don't own Attacked on Titans or the song.

*Your P.O.V*

"WELCOME TO CAMP HELL MEAT BAGS" said shadis yell at all of us because no one taught him to use his inside voice.He just yelling at people for there names and where they come from but mostly yelling at armin."What is your name cadet" "Armin alrelt sir from" (I know you guys are going to be pissed but i forgot where they come from so please if you know write it in the comments)when he said that people started whispering about that place about the titans and that then he come to me."What is your name cadet" "(Y/N) (L/N) from the same place where armin from sir."i said like it something i don't really care about and after that we were assigned sleeping places i got assigned with Eren,Armin,Jean aka horse face, Reiner,and Bert. After that we just went to lunch for food and i am telling you food here is way better then on the streets sure they just giving breed,cooked meat and stew but it is better then not food and caned food. When i got my food i want toa table in the corner next to the window and a perfect view of the woods and the other join in to Mikasa sat next to me and Eren and Armin sat across of us and we just talk to each other and catch a glance at Mikasa the way her hair looks soft and silky and her eyes for some reason when i look at them i fell attracted to them they look cold and hold no emotion but still they are beautiful.But she sometimes she is glancing at me as well but i saw someone glancing at her to. It was horse face but i think he was staring at her i can't help but feel something i did not felt before so weird and something happened when i was to focus about these fellings i did not know him and eren where about to fight "Shut your mouth horse face!" "Did i touch a nerve eren" he said with a mocking tone " can both of you guys shut the fuck up" the moment i said that every one was silence "o yeah who the hell are you" "the guy that is going to bet the living shit out of you if you don't stop" the moment i said he was going to hit my face but i caught it.I can tell he was surprise about it and also most of the people to but Mikasa,Eren and Armin were not because they know i can do that so I used it to my avantage and kicked him in to stomach and he was near on the table "that was for messing with my friend" when i was about say something people were clapping for me so i just walk back to the table but shadis walk on"what in gods name is going on" "Jean was about to hit eren so i intervene sir" "good job cadet (y/n) and cadet jean your punishment is run until night fall go go go."he said and jean ran like no tomorrow "ok every body els let's the training begin" as walk back eren mad i talked "thanks for the help but i could have taken him" "i know but everybody needs help" i say witha smile but something was taping my shoulder i look at who it was.It was Mikasa " thanks for helping Eren (y/n)" when she said that i wss happy that i can help and was about to say something but stop when i felt something soft touching my check she was kissing my CHECK!? "No problem M-Mikasa"and blush and so was she i know it sounds mean bit i hope that eren gets more trouble so i can save him and i am never washing this check again.

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