Part three💀🔫

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Your pov: me, ava and jack(ik its Jacob but jack is easier so now its jack😁) were skateboarding when i look behind me i see that one nick boy with someone next to him he looked just like nick they were both skateboarding but I turned around before they seen me staring and ngl his friend is cute. Ava:we have to go:( jack:yeah see you tomorrow?
You:yeah sure:)bye. Ava&jack:bye. I then grab my skateboard and start to walk out the skatepark Area but then someone taps my shoulder so obviously i turn around to see that nick boy and his cute friend but i cant let my Guard down! You:may i help you? I said annoyed. Nick:yeah we just wanted to ask if you wanted to skateboard with us? He ask nicely even tho im being a shit to him! You:nah im good ima go home. I said. Nick:but you were mad at them? You:and? Nick:do you or not!? You:calm the fuck down you came up to me! ??:shes right nick we did come up to her. Nick:bro your supposed to be on my side! ??:sorry. You:who even are you? ??:wait you don't know me?!? You:no I don't dumb fuck that's why im asking! ??:im ryland storms the one and only! You:don't know but dont get cocky! Ryland:okay but please skateboard with us! You:why do you want me to skateboard with you guys? Nick:there's this girl that is in love with ryland and won't leave him alone! You:and that didn't answer my question?!
Nick:we need you to act like you:huh? Ryland:please she's coming! You:what no! ??:hey baby! Ryland:im not your baby i have a gf! ??:and who is that!? I then decide to help cuz why not if fun making bitchs mad! You:its me bitch now leave! ??:my name is zoe not bitch!(zoe Luverne)  you:do i care? No I don't! Now scram! Zoe:ugh i will come back for you! She then flipped her hair and walked away mad and ngl it was funny! You:you own me big time Ryland! Ryland:ty but what if she comes back!? You:idk thats your problem! Nick:wait i have an idea! You:oh no! Ryland:what? Nick:she can act like your gf! You:i did dumbass! Ryland:your so dumb nick! Nick:no like everyday! You:HELL NO! Ryland:I don't mind! You:nope! Nick&ryland:please!!? You:what do i get in return?! Ryland:a kiss? You:hell no! Nick:ice cream? You:im in!


Yall my hands hurt!! But on of y'all said to update so here it is😁 but can you leave ideas in the comments please byeeee loves🧸💕

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