Part five💔😞

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Your pov: we get to the hype house and Dixie then looks at me and says. Dixie:call me or text me if you need me to put you up. You:okay bye. Dixie:bye. You:love you and thxs. Dixie:np and i love you too. She then dives off and i go up to the door and knock. Someone then opens it and looks confused. ??:sorry we don't let fans in. I roll my eyes and start talking. You:im not a fan. ??:then why are you here? You:does nick live here? ??:yeah why? You:just. ??:wait you look familiar. Your Rylands gf right? You:uhhh ??:im chase but come in rylands room is down the hall and the door to your left. He said in a happy tone with a big smile. You:uh thank you? I said and walked to rylands room. I opened the door and didn't knock cuz why not? I see ryland playing video games with nick behind him cheering him on not noticing that i just walked in. You:nick! Nick turn his head and seen me and looked confused. Nick:what are you doing here? You:i came to talk to ryland! Nick:oh you want a real relationship? You:no dumb fuck!just get out. Nick:this is my room too! You:did i ask?! No now bye! Nick:fine bye! He then left but Ryland was still on that stupid game! I walk behind Ryland and take his headset off and turn on the pc. Ryland:what the fuck nic- oh hi y/n. You:why the fuck would you post that?!?! Ryland:what? You then pull out your phone and show him then picture he posted. You:that!?! Ryland:what your my gf tho. You:fake gf! You corrected him. Ryland:oh. He said a lil sad and you kinda felt bad. You:did you think that i was like your real gf? I ask him a lil sad that i made him sad😢 Ryland:yeah...😔 you:im sorry🥺 Ryland:its fine🥺 you:are you sure?🥺 Ryland:yeah um lets go downstairs? You:yeah. You and Ryland go to the living room and everyone was there and started to ask a lot of questions! You:CAN ALL OF YOU STUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! you then walk outside side and call dixie to pick you up and she said she wS on her was that I would take 10 minutes. You hear the front door open so you look and see Ryland. You and Ryland talk and flirt a lil here and there intill Dixie came and you were a lil sad that you had to leave Ryland.


Tyyyy but please give me ideas🥺💕 love you all❤️ bye loves🥺❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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