Part two😒💀

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I ran up to my room locking the door not even hungry nomore! My phone started ringing i look at the contact name and see its Jacob so of course i answer.
On the phone:
Jacob:hey me and ava are at the state park waiting for you.
Y/n:okay im omw.
Jacob:okay bye ily.
Y/n:bye ly too.
Off the phone.
I changed into this:

 I changed into this:

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Your skating board:

*the back pain black*

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*the back pain black*

I walked downstairs with my board on my right rib with my right hand holding it. And now i have to face my family and there famous friends! I go to the living room ro exit the house and of course im stoped by my 'mom'! Mom:where are you going?
Y/n:why do you care!
Charli:because we love you!
Y/n:charli stop acting so innocent and nice!
Dad:stop picking fights with your sister!
Y/n:aw,hell no! Stop the fucken act!
??:what act?
Y/n:1.i don't fucking know you so stfu! 2.there lil 'innocent angel' act!
??:no need to be rude, but my name is nick.(Nick Austin)
Y/n:boy sit down! Idc who you are!

I then leave the house and go skateboarding and the skate park with my two best friends ava and Jacob!

Sorry that it's short but I'll update more often!😊🤍 i love you all🥺💕 thank you for choosing this book!💕❤️ happy early mary Christmas🎄✨

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