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Part 3


Being unintentionally rather ill-mannered to you, the Mandalorian seeks the many ways of how he could apologize to you. Conflict was not going to be an excuse anymore to stop him from confessing his true feelings for you, even if that meant violating his own creed.

Side Notes: I'm fully aware that Mando gets his jet pack later on after he sees Moff Gideon. But for the sake of this book, he will have it earlier, just so it fits more with the story :)))))

Word Count: 4670


You huffed your cheeks in annoyance, getting sidetracked while you were teaching the youngling. His skills have been improving just within the few hours of his training. But you couldn't help but be distracted, constantly thinking about the way the Mandalorian reacted to you as it replayed in your mind word by word.

You felt a tiny hand hold onto your own, darting your head to see the child standing beside you, his head tilting in curiosity.

"Oh, hey Grogu. Sorry I haven't been such a great master, you're my only apprentice and I've been sidetracked."

The little green bean continued to stare at you with his large doe eyes, gesturing to you that everything was going to be all right.

"You can sense my anxiousness too, can you? Sorry little one. I've just never seen Din so upset before, and I can't help but feel bad about it."

The adorable creature titled his head the other way, a few squeaky gibberish noises emitting from his mouth. Then he giggled, his large pointy ears perking up and down as his plastered smile never left.

"Tell him how I feel?! N-no, Grogu..." You paused, placing your hands onto your now burning cheeks from the blush that flushed all over your face. "Forget it. I don't even think he shares my feelings, I'm just part of the crew. I promised him that I'd take protect you, and I will until my very last breath Grogu."

The child grunted in annoyance, crossing his arms as he nearly rolled his eyes at you.

"Hmm? Well sorry if I don't want to confess how I honestly feel about him. What do you want me to do? March up to Din and let him know that I have the biggest crush on him and hope that we'll just live happily ever after?"

Grogu giggled and nodded his head, bouncing up and down onto the soft sand.

"I have a bad feeling about this," you ran your hand through your (h/c) strands, hesitant if you should go through or not with Grogu's brilliant idea, "I just don't want things between us to be awkward, you know?"

Suddenly, you remembered what master Yoda had just mentioned to you from your encounter earlier. That you were finally allowed to express your emotions to someone whom you have grown fond of, but you didn't know how to pursue further after having feelings for a certain someone. You wanted Din to know how much he meant to you, how much you loved and adored him. That he was your knight in shining armour.

"Atuuu~" Grogu chimed in, adorably interrupting your thoughts.

"Well, I've got the feelings part down. What's next then?"

Opposites Attract (The Mandalorian x Jedi Reader) Star Wars: The MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now