Part 22 🎉

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Kairi POV:I woke up this morning brushed my teeth and washed my face letting Mattia sleep in more cause he did sleep a little later doing some school work I made myself some breakfast and sat on the couch to check if I had any school work cheering seeing that all my work was done and I was free I finished

I finished my breakfast putting my dirty dish in the sink going back to the room seeing mattia still sleeping making me check his breathing

(Anyone else do this like if someone is sleeping for too long you have to check that they are breathing incase they died)

And his breathing was normal making me calm down and smile

I laid down slowly next to him making sure he wouldn't wake up i got on myphone texting Robert

Robert 👃🏼

KAIRI:happy birthday Robert thank you so much for being there for me when I was struggling with all that your a real one I wish you nothing but happiness in your life and that you get your happy ending you are such a amazing friend love you brother ❤️

Now we wait till he wakes up cause knowing him he will wake up at 12 that lazy hoe

I heard Mattia groan and stretch

Kairi:good morning

Mattia:good morning

He said in his deep voice making me smile gosh he's so hot

Mattia:did you eat?


Mattia:did you drink water?

Kairi: a little bit

Okay so I kind of have this thing where I forget to drink water or just don't want to so Mattia is always making me drink water or asking if I have drank water and I kind of find it cute cause he cares so much

Mattia:well that good and I didn't even have to tell you to drink it

Kairi:I know right

           Time skip

Kairi POV:me and Mattia were on our way back to Jersey

(They go to college in New York)

For Roberts party or dinner I don't know but it doesn't matter what matters is that we are on our way I put his gifts in a box and wrapped it with cute wrapping paper tying a cute bow on it for the finishing touch

Mattia:and we are here he

He said stoping the car in front of roberts old house

We walked inside the house greeting his family we sat dow and waited for the rest of the people attending the dinner

                            Time skip

We ate dinner while making small talk with everyone and laughing catching up with life and school

After we ate me and Alvaro helped Robert mom with all the dishes taking them to the sink    And washing them

Roberts mom:so when will you guys get married?

She asked making me choke on my saliva and Alvaro stop what he was doing


Roberts mom:When is the wedding?

Kairi:oh uhm we just don't want to rush into things

Alvaro:yeah and we have to finish school and everything

Roberts mom:oh well hopefully you do get married cause you all look cute together just imagine kairi polibio and Alvaro Rosario

She said making Alvaro give her a dry laugh

Alvaro:yeah imagine

Robert:hey mom they need you in the living room

Roberts mom:okay I'll be right there


After she let me and Alvaro sighed

Alvaro:what the hell was that about?

Kairi:I don't know But it was a little weird

Alvaro:yeah and Alvaro Rosario really they doesn't sound right more like Alejandro Romero It has a nice ring to it

Kairi:your right alright well we should get back  to the living room

Alvaro:your right

                         Time skip

We cut the cake and have Robert his birthday presents we decided we were all going to leave together but before

Kairi:hey you guy want to got for a walk?

I asked the whole group As we walked in the side walk to our cars


Kairi:I don't know just want to enjoy here before we have to go back to New York and back to school plus we haven't had a walked together since we went to college

Alvaro:your right

Kairi:and I kind of miss it

Pinto:I'm down to go?



Kairi:you mattia?


Kairi:Alejandro and Alvaro

They looked at each other for a second "sure"they both said


I said as I clapped my hands together smiling

Robert:alright let's go..............

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