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Third person POV:
Kairi and mattia drive to the diner in a comfortable silence while they listen to music playing the fresh air hitting there faces while mattia has his hand on kairis thigh squeezing it a little,after 10 minutes they arrived, "were here" mattia said letting go of kairis thigh and taking the keys out of the ignition,both boys got out of the car and into the diner getting a booth big enough for them and their friends. While they waited on their booth they saw their friends arrive,they greeted each other and went inside.

Mattia POV: Me and the boys went inside got caught up with each other.
Mattia:so how are y'all doing?
Ale:I'm doing good just a little stressed with school and work.
Alv: I'm doing good but my teacher is a bitch
Robert: not gonna lie I hate my teachers like damm I'm sorry you're husband won't give you sex now stop being a bitch
Mattia rolled his eyes and laughed at Roberts statement while shaking his head
Mattia:what about you pinto and Mateo?
"Good" both boys said at the same time.

Third person POV: The boys talked to each other and caught up for a while, mattia had his arm wrapped around kairi's waist and Alejandro was simply leaning on Alvaro, after a while of talking and catching up two shadows blocked the sun which made all the boys turn their heads it was two male waitresses "hello my name is tony" one with curly hair said "hello my name is Jacob" the one with a really sharp jawline said "hello" said all the boys while looking ant the waitresses "today we will be serving you so what can we get for y'all today?" Jacob said to the group of boys.

Mattia POV: Once everyone finished ordering their food I was pretty pissed off because the tony dude kept on flirting with my baby in front of me but my baby was just to innocent to know that so I didn't say any thing but I think the guys noticed I was mad because they just stared at me well except for Alvaro.

Alejandro POV: That Jacob kid kept on flirting with mi alvarito I was super pissed off at that but he didn't care he didn't even flirt back or say anything he just ignored it I guess he noticed I was mad and didn't want to make anything awkward so I just kept all my anger inside.

Third person POV: Both mattia and Alejandro were so pissed they kept a eye on those waitresses to make sure they didn't pull anything sneaky on there lovers ,the guys were all glued to there phones except for Alvaro and kairi they were talking to each other about life,then there waitresses came up with the food and as soon as mattia an Alejandro heard them they got of there phones
Quickly not because they were hungry but because they had to keep a eye on the waitresses to make sure they did pull anything sneaky Kai and alv noticed but thought nothing of it.

Jayden:okay here is the burger the chicken and the salad
He passed the food to who ever it belonged to

Tony:okay we got another burger,the pasta chicken tenders burger you're drinks will be out shortly

With that they excused them selves from the group but not with out eyeing at kairi or winking at Alvaro which made mattia and Alejandros blood boil even more,the two guys excused them selves from the table to go outside and get some fresh air to contain them selves from strangling the waiters

Mattia:I swear if one of those boys wink at Kai one more time I will strangle them

Alejandro:that kid is going to die if he keeps eyeing Alvaro

Mattia:lets just take in deep breathes you know Alvaro and Kai don't like it when we get violent

Mattia POV we took in deep breathes and chilled out side for a little bit to cool off

Kairis POV:ale and mattia were gone for some time so me and alv decided to go to the restroom

Kairi:he Alvaro you wanna go to the restroom with me
Alvaro:yes I've been needing to go since we got here
Kairi:okay lets go

As we were waking to the restroom I felt someone watching us and following us I think Alvaro felt it to because he kept I. Staring at me
So we went inside.

Alejandro POV:once me and mattia cooled off we went inside we didn't see Kai or alv so I asked the boys

Alejandro:hey guys where is Kai and Alvaro?
Mateo:I think they went to the restroom

I looked around and saw that the waitresses weren't there anymore and neither were our drinks even though they should've been here by now I looked at Mattia and we both ran to the restroom earning weird looks from our friends.
We got to the restroom and when we open the door we saw......

Oh a cliffhanger
Note form author:
Hey sorry I've been mia but I've been pretty busy so here is this thank you guys so much for reading this book it means so much to me and it always. Brings a smile to my face.

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