Part 20 😛

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Third person POV:the couple was resting on the couch as mattia gave his boyfriend  a foot massage

Kairi:hey babe I just realized what are we going to get Robert for his birthday it's soon

Mattia:you're right maybe like a wallet,clothes,a girlfriend

Kairi:stop Im being serious

Kairi said as he slightly hit his boyfriends shoulder

Mattia:okay fine well maybe that wallet he was talking about And those stupid socks he wanted to add to his weird sock collection

Kairi:your right wow so smart

Mattia:I know, I know babe

Mattia said as he gave his boyfriend a kiss

Kairi:okay anyways where do they sell them at so I can go with Alvaro

Mattia:think they sell at hot socks or Walmart or target

Kairi:okay I'm going to hot socks and where do they sell that wallet


Kairi:alright I'll message Alvaro

Mattia:okay but go tomorrow


Mattia:cause I want to be with you today

The taller said as he laid on kairi's chest

Kairi:awww your such a big baby

He said as he kissed mattias forehead and ran his hand through his hair relaxing him

Mattia:I know I am but what ever

He is as snuggling up into kairi's neck

Kairi:I love you bubba

Mattia:I love you to

Mattia said as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his lovers body......

Author note:not me starting this at 12:40 in the morning knowing that I have school and now I'm all tired

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