There are many things that I like and many things that I hate. The thing that I hate the most is noise, crowds, and tasks. Let's be honest who even loves noise? Noise can disrupt concentration, stress, and fatigue from lack of sleep. I don't like having plenty of friends because they are too annoying to hang out with. This is why I only have 3 friends, that is the right amount of friends for me. For me, I hate crowds because they are noisy and also because I am an introvert. Another thing that I hated the most are things to do like schoolwork, and etc because tasks are so hard to do and also very stressful. But I learned in school that stress is not always bad for you, sometimes it can even help you boost your memorization skills. And also releasing your anger is not necessarily bad because studies show that it can lower your blood pressure, less stress, and hostility. Everything that I mentioned in this essay is all my top three things that I hate.