Detention with Ms. Kim | 2

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When Jennie heard the sexy little gasp that quickly turned into a soft moan escape from Chaeyoung's mouth and into hers, she smirked and leaned down a little more to pull the student up onto her lap. A waves of fireworks exploded throughout Chseyoung's body and settled in her core once she felt herself in the teacher's embrace.

She has never shared a kissed with another woman before, let alone another girl, but tried to imagine Ms. Kim being her on again-off again boyfriend. However, his lips weren't as soft as hers and she now prefers the teacher's soft perfume over his cologne. Chaeyoung couldn't keep the image of him in her head for long because she'd like to cherish this moment with Ms. Kim. He'd never amount to her and she couldn't recall the last time they even kissed, especially like this.

Since she was basically straddling the teacher in the chair, Chaeyoung decided to take advantage of the position. She brought her hands up and palmed Ms. Kim's breasts; wantonly squeezing finally getting an up close chance to admire how soft and full they are. When she heard the woman curse under her breath that only made her keep going.

Jennie let out another soft moan when she felt her student's plump lips up against her neck. She bit down on her bottom lip and threw her head back when the girl's tongue started circling her sweet spot, finding it without trying. She wasn't a fan of her playmates breaking the kiss when she's not ready, but allowed it in this moment.

When Chaeyoung began to trail down to her chest, she gripped the student's skirt with one hand before letting her other collide against the younger girl's supple flesh. Chaeyoung jumped at the firm smack and looked up at Ms. Kim only to see a smirk on the teacher's face.

Jennie brought her hand up to Chaeyoung's  jaw and gripped it, "Come here." was the only thing she said before kissing the student again with much more force determined to show her who's in charge. She put the girl's arm around her neck before gripping both milky thighs and lifting them up from the chair.

Chaeyoung gasped when she felt the cool surface of the teacher's desk come into contact with her bare bottom after Ms. Kim placed her on the desk. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around the woman's hips and pulled her in closer by the waist.

The sounds escaping from Chaeyoung's mouth pleased Jennie, and in a show of dominance she tilt her head to deepen the kiss while untucking the girl's blouse from her skirt. She easily coerced the student's mouth right open before sliding her tongue inside to taste and tease.

Chaeyoung brought her hands up to cup Ms. Kim's face as her tongue began to play along. Jennie allowed it for a brief moment, enjoying the feel of plump lips against her lips and loving the sweet cinnamon taste of Chaeyoung's mouth, but once she felt the girl leaning in more almost demanding, she finally broke the kiss.

Jennie locked eyes with Chaeyoung and gripped under her knees before pulling the girl in closer. "I do want to fuck you," she whispers bluntly against full lips. "But, first we need to make you a good girl again. Do you want that?"

Charyoung's stomach was twisting with knots, but in the best way possible. "Yes." She mirrored her teacher's tone while nodding.

"Is this going to stay between us?" Jennie points between herself and the blonde beauty. She's still a student even if she is legal.

Chaeyoung answered with another quick nod before bringing her hands back up in excitement, attempting to kiss the teacher again, but Ms. Kim denies her and instead pins the girl's wrists down by her side waiting for a verbal answer.

Chaeyoung huffed frustrated, duh?


"Is this your first time with a woman?"

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