Rival CEOs | 1

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You know what they say; if you can't beat your enemy, fuck your enemy.


What's better than rival CEOs? Rival lesbian CEOs.

Jennie Kim is an up and coming CEO of a fashion brand in Korea, she works hard with her day to day schedule including the rough hours of bargaining, promoting and trying to ignore the pain that is her biggest rival Park Rosé.

Park Rosé is 1.68cm of pure annoyance and agony in Jennie's life, her slim tall body holds so much sassiness she is surprised it doesn't burst out of her frail limbs.

Rosé is the CEO of another company, one, sadly, bigger than Jennie's, and alas much more famous, a fact Rosé enjoys to remind her on almost a weekly if not daily bases.

Jennie often wonders how Rosé is able to get anything done with constant emails to her about rectifying just how great she is.

Flicking a perfectly silky strand of hair over her shoulder Jennie leaned forward licking her lips as she started to reply to once again another stupid email of her gorgeous rival.

Dear Miss Park Rosé,

Your personality is as fake as your hair extensions.
Please come back to me when you actually have a proper message to email me about that isn't another summary of your profit this month.

Have a terrible day.

Yours sincerely,
CEO Kim.

Hitting send she let out a sigh in completeness. Happy with her work, Jennie leans back in her comfortable chair and took a few seconds break.

Of course, being who she is, she couldn't even rest for a few seconds before her uncouth personal assistant came tumbling through the door like some sort of hurricane.

"Lisa, please can you knock next time? I could be naked in here for God's sake."

"Jennie with all due respect, why would you be naked in your office?"

Huffing Jennie got out of her chair, happy for some distraction. Kicking her shoes off in various directions she approached her secretary/best friend.

"Exactly the point Lisa, my office, my rules."

"Yes, I see your point Jen, but isn't that a little -, uh you know what, you do you girl."

Giving up, knowing she won't win this fight Lisa decides to switch he topic to one at hand.

"The monthly meeting of CEOs is happening in the afternoon, I just wanted to mention, please don't fight with CEO Park again, you two are getting quite the reputation."

Quirking her head to the side, Jennie studies Lisa's face before slowly a pout blossoms on her face.

"I'll do what I please and she always starts it."

Lisa whines, feigning a kicked puppy act before handing over the notes to her.

"Don't say I told you so if something bad occurs though."

"Yes honey."

Jennie goes to pinch the cheeks of Lisa before she quickly swats her off.

"Oh, and it's at Rosé Park's partnering office today, so be prepared."

Lisa left, punctuating the sentence while closing the office door.

Today is going to be a long day.


Taking a seat in the expensive leather-bound chairs, Jennie sat down placing her belongings in front of her, preparing for the board meeting of fashion CEOs in the lower Seoul distracts. One that occurs every month to keep up a sort of alliance. of course, Rosé Park was part of these so-called CEOs.

Blowing back her fringe Jennie sat back waiting for the meeting to start, praying Rosé suddenly had some dumb schedule planned like waxing her legs in the Bahama's so she wouldn't be annoying her with her pretty face today.

Not even two seconds later she heard a loud noise, rolling her eyes and preparing herself she looked at the door.

Entering the doors with a loud and extravagant entry, there came in Park Rosé in all her crowing beauty, looking like a model straight out of the magazines in her YSL dress, with matching shoes and beautifully painted face. Lip gloss shone, decorating her pretty plumped lips, enticing people for a taste, the subtle blush layer resting on the highs of her cheeks and her blonde hair structured perfectly laying in waves over the shoulders. Hand resting on her thin hips she scouted the room looking for something almost as if she was a predator looking out for her prey.

Jennie slide down in her chair, enticed by Rosé and completely out of it she stared longingly at her enemy, so when Rosé herself finished scanning the room with her eyes landing on her Jennie flustered, realizing she was blandly checking the blonde CEO out, she cocked her head away and started to twist her hair.

Damn it, she hated her beautifully stupid face.

Looking away Jennie smoothed down the edges of her skirt trying to act like Park wasn't approaching the seat next to her at an alarming rate.

When the sound of heels came to a halt Jennie felt the burning gaze on her neck.

"Hey." Rosie starts whispering while Jennie keeps her head down.

"Is this seat taken?"

"Yes" Jennie immediately replied.

"Well, we will tell them to move." Rosé said as she gracefully plopped down next to Jennie.

Clicking her tongue Jennie wasn't planning on looking at the taller CEO any time soon.

Suddenly Jennie felt a tug on a strand of her hair. Whipping around she sees a shit eating grin plastered across the blonde's face who was staring at her.

"What the hell you think you are doing?" Jennie whisper yelled.

"Stop ignoring me, baby."

"You don't deserve my attention."

"Wow, so mean. But it's okay, I still love you." Rosé whispered back.

Stunned Jennie looked away, feeling a blush under her foundation rising, she hates Rosé so much.

"Where's your cute little fiery personal assistant Jisoo? Shouldn't she be here doing the real work unlike you who is just a pretty face."

Jennie looked in front of her towards the projection screen waiting for this meeting to start and soon end. She rested her chin on top of her folded hands, rubbing at the soft skin slightly, feeling nervous all of a sudden. Her false bravado over emails was hard to channel into real life and she just felt truly flustered around Rosé.

The blonde, smirk evident in her voice, replied.

"So, you think I'm pretty huh."

Rolling her eyes, the brunette felt like turning around and hitting her,

"Of course that's the only thing you heard, you really have selective memory huh."

"Oh, honey I remember a lot of things but the aspect which concerns me most is you thinking I'm pretty, I'm shocked a compliment could grace your lips."

Outraged Jennie looked over her shoulder scowling once again. Were they really about to get into a bitch fight in front of all these important people?

Leaning back Jennie chucks one leg over the other, her tanned thighs rubbing against one another and toes pointed out.

Jennie suddenly felt Rosé's intense gaze on her legs.

"Can you stop look-"

Before being able to finish her sentence, Jennie was cut off by the meeting starting.

Huffing she whispered under her breath.

"We shall finish this later brat."

Amused Rosé nodded as Jennie crossed her arms clicking her tongue, her lip gloss thoroughly ruined by irritation.

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