Rival CEOs | 2

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The meeting was very bland as usual, PowerPoint slides after PowerPoint slides, CEO Hwang huffs occasionally in displeasure at all the projects planned. Her pearl earrings swing dangerously with every movement.

Distracted by the smudged lipstick on Hwang's teeth Jennie feels a sliding across her thigh, looking down worryingly she notices a long skinny hand, with pretty clipped nails making its way to her knee. Confused at what game Rosé was playing she brushes her off not giving her the pleasure of a look. But a few minutes later the hand was there again, if anything, getting more daring than last time. One squeeze and Jennie shot her eyes around glaring at Rosé.

"What game are you playing Park?." Jennie harshly whispered hoping no one would overhear.

Rosé didn't meet her eyes, she was simply looking forward like she is the epitome of innocence.

Gradually the hand started to move again slowly up her exposed thigh. Jennie was sure the blonde's hand was making its way up her thigh and under her mid-thigh skirt.

The older was starting to feel good of the movements her rival was making. She shouldn't feel like this, her rival Park trying to feel her up in front of everyone? She knew if she made a scene it would be the end for them both as well as a lot of fun for that little bitch to laugh about.

Unconsciously Jennie spread her thighs, eyes not flickering and trying to focus at the pie charts on the screen or the yellow hair band sandwiched in CEO Bae's hair.

Rosé's soft hands squeezed at Jennie's thigh again, her thumb rubbing circles in the shorter's supple thigh. Jennie's face was on fire, never has she felt this humiliated and turned on, she just hopes CEO Wang who is next to them doesn't notice what's happening.

Rosé continued her mistreatment rubbing her hand gently up and down, each time getting further and further up, Jennie could almost feel the smirk on the blonde's face, but she didn't dare to look at her knowing her sanity would instantly break.

Jennie's breath got heavier, she felt stupid how easily she submitted and enjoyed this misreatment, she was going to get back at Rosé for sure.

Her mind kept telling her to close her legs and stop this dangerous game, but when Rosé's hand brushed her pants she could do no more but let out a sigh.

Spreading her legs more, the opposite of what she wanted to do she held her breath. Rosé squeezed the flesh on her leg slightly digging her bunt nails into her sensitive skin, goose bumps littered her perfectly waxed thigh as the blonde gave up caring for courtesy.

A few minutes of frustration went by, and Jennie could feel herself getting more turned on, she wanted to rub her legs together and feel something more. She couldn't believe hours ago she wanted to rip out every strand of her rival's hair and now she was sitting here in a busy board room getting wet over her. The sexual tension was burning through her body.

The meeting was going to come to an end shortly, but Rosé clearly wanted to drag this little game out as much as she could. With ten minutes to spare and Jennie now a heavy breathing mess beside her she decided to up her game and touch her where she needed most.

Gently and almost curiously Rosé dragged her forefinger up Jennie's folds over her pants. Jennie froze after realizing what was happening right now, she wanted to stop but also wanted to continue, she wanted Rosé's fingers inside her and she hated herself for it.

God damn it Park and her stupid gorgeous face and slender fingers.

Curious and twitching at the sudden touch, Jennie let her continue.

A few strokes up her folds before Rosé stopped. Jennie's skirt was hitched very illegally high and her legs a little too open for public but neither of them gave up, it was almost a game who dared to stop first and neither one wanted to be the loser.

Gently Rosé situated her forefinger on the sensitive bundle of nerves over her pants and began to rub in circular motions.

Jennie buckled her hips slightly before settling back down. Her wetness increased, soon going to make a mess of her pants. Rosé swapped from running her finger up her folds to dragging the wetness up and down and rubbing her slit.

Jennie was in a shock it all came to this, her fringe matted to her forehead and upper lip started sweating. The red heat in the back of her neck flared from doing all this in public.

The wetness of Jennie's pants helped Rosé to lubricate for more intense rubbing, and without noticing she dipped her finger under Jennie's lacey pants. Rosé wanted to know the colour of them but that was something for later.

Feeling her warm folds skin to skin Park breathed in, herself feeling turned on as she rubbed her legs together.

Jennie was very wet and getting hotter by the second she was proud of how much she could affect her little friend.

After rubbing up and down for a few more times Jennie was getting shaky, she knew her orgasm was approaching, but she was loud and knew it wouldn't be quite if she came. She tried hard to fend it off, but Rosé was adamite on ruining her.

Closing her eyes, she sucked in a sharp breath, moving her hips slightly.

This was really happening huh, alarm bells went off in her mind.

"Okay folks that's all for today. If you have any questions please see me at the end and I shall email you on forthcoming projects. See you next month."

The directing head's voice froze both Rosé and Jennie, their little game was up and Jennie was sat wet, frustrated and on the edge, with Rosé's wet fingers inside her pants.

Quickly Jennie's started to shake off her rival's hand and began to quickly shuffle her papers together. She was sweaty and massively turned on but needed to act somewhat civilised.

Rosé coughed, alerting Jennie's attention. Looking around for the first time this meeting their eyes met, a blush rose up on Jennie's cheeks as she glanced quickly at Park's slender wet fingers. Before either said anything, Rosé lifted her fingers to her mouth and popped them in.

Quickly sucking them she cleaned her sticky fingers tasting Jennie.

Jennie looked at her in pure shock, frantically looking around the room to see if anyone saw this uncouth display before blandly staring at her "rival".

Rosé opened her eyes, slipping her fingers from her mouth and smiled.

Pushing her chair back she stood up.

Jennie sat shocked, mouth hanging open as she watched Rosé rise.

"Follow me" Rosé commanded.

Jennie immediately nodded. She started messily collecting her belongings and stood up next to the blonde before following her out of the room.

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