Chapter 29

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"Well, actually... Lan WangJi is going to be acting as Sect Leader.... I have something slightly more appropriate to my skills planned...."

Wei WuXian looked around the room at the cultivators hanging on his words. At his family, so staunchly defending him. At his children and the crowd of juniors behind them. There must be at least a hundred who had silently walked away from their own Sects and Clans to stand silently behind SiZhui's back. And finally he looked at his husband, whose eyes were so full of absolute trust and love. Wei WuXian had to blink away excess moisture in his eyes. His whole body felt warm and heavy and almost hurt from the amount of support he was receiving. To Lan Zhan he added, "It's not called Demon's Lair anymore. It's called Sanctuary." Behind him, Li MeiLi squealed in surprise. He smiled, knowing there was another yet to come. "I'm going to open a school where we're going to teach cultivators and mundanes alike. Whether or not they swear to the YilingWei Sect, they are welcome to attend. The first cultivator classes will be how to fight rare creatures on night hunts." And there was the yell from OuYang ZiZhen, which rightly enough, was accompanied by whooping and yelling from the rest of the juniors.

Sect Leader OuYang glared at his son's antics for a brief moment before returning his attention to the Yiling Patriarch. "You're going to become a teacher?"

"Mostly, I'm going to do research and solve problems I dream up.... But yes, I'm going to teach."

OuYang nodded thoughtfully, and stroked his beard again. "I think my son is going to try to be your first pupil. All he's been talking about the last few days are those creature classes of yours. Teach him some familial duty while you're at it, eh?"

And with that, it appeared as if the conflict was over. The rising tension popped like a soap bubble. There were still some disapproving mutterings here and there as the food was brought out. But many cups of wine and toasts later, the reason for anyone ever being upset seemed far away and unknown. Many of the toasts were to the new brides and grooms, and while Lan XiChen only drank one cup to be polite, Li MeiLi accepted more than a few.

So she was delightfully tipsy when the banquet ended and more than willing to be scooped up into her new husband's arms for the walk back to their room. He had purposefully left the place without a single candle burning; he wouldn't need to see to love his bride and she might be more comfortable not seeing. And he had read that removing one sense made the others, especially touch, that more sensitive. He planned to spend the entire night touching.... He slowly let her slide down, keeping one arm around her back in case she stumbled. But she seemed steady enough on her feet; he leaned down, whispering, "I love you-oof!" His eyes shot open wide as something burned it's way into his back.

And again.

And again.

"Run!" he screamed and coughed up blood.

"What?" Li MeiLi stood paralyzed, uncomprehending, his blood oozing down her face. "What?" And watched as her new husband jerked again and fell to his knees.

"Run!" he choked out.

A figure all in black appeared out of the darkness. "Run, bitch," it hissed and held up a dripping blade. "I love the chase." But instead of fleeing, she dropped to her knees and tried to pull Lan XiChen up. "Ah... young love. So tragic." The blade rose and fell, not entirely concerned as to which body it struck. The figure in black watched as the bodies on the floor spasmed a few more times and then lay still, the blood pool surrounding them growing larger. "It didn't have to be this way," it said, almost politely. "But you chose the wrong bride."

The figure in black strode out of the room and locked the door as precaution in case the bride wasn't as injured as he thought and tried to escape. Given the amount of blood, though, she should be ready for cremation before a stick of incense could burn down. He smiled at the thought. Maybe they should just burn the building down and save the later efforts.... But the instruction here was just to kill, not burn.

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