Chapter 03

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"What do you mean? What about what noses?"

Wei WuXian grinned, making Lan Zhan's head spin. "It's not like I've done this before, you know. Those books make it look uncomfortable."

"What books?"

Erotic books almost always showed lovers kissing with their faces meeting at a sharp angle. Wei Ying felt that would look really weird, though, if he tilted his head that far. Maybe just a bit off center would be enough to avoid knocking their noses together? Eyes locked firmly on Lan Zhan's, he leaned forward to lightly press their lips together. He held them together for a few seconds until he felt slightly dizzy and realized he had stopped breathing. He pulled back, gasping in much needed oxygen. He was grinning wildly, heart racing, butterflies beating against his insides, until he noticed Lan Zhan's icy demeanor hadn't changed a bit.

Exhilaration crashed into the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Lan WangJi.... I thought.... I thought you confessed to me, I'm sorry," he stammered, backing away. In the rather extensive history of Wei WuXian's colossal mistakes, this was at the top. "It's not yet, nine, right? So curfew hasn't started? I'll just go... and you can.... No. Please have A'Yuan bring my things and Little Apple down to Caiyi town tomorrow? It's OK if my clothes aren't washed or mended, just...."What the fuck have I done? "When we see each other again, don't worry. I'll fix this. You don't have to think about it. I just need a little time, and...."

"Wei Ying, shut up," Lan Zhan interrupted. Wei WuXian snapped his mouth closed and waited for the ringing sound of Bichen being drawn. Or a fist to punch into his gut. Instead Lan Zhan placed a careful hand against the back of Wei Ying's neck, and then they were kissing again. Lips pressed and clung and released over and over again. Heads tilted first one way then another in search of some elusive perfect angle. As their eyes drifted shut, their hands came into play, caressing the other's face and arms. As they grew more secure in the kiss, their hands became bolder as well, moving to caress the defined muscles of the other's back, sliding down to lightly skim trim, taut waists. They pulled each other closer until they were finally chest to chest and hip to hip, feeling for the first time another man's erection against their bellies.

Pulling back slightly for a much needed breath of air, Lan WangJi spoke softly. "There was one day in particular that has invaded my dreams. You were sitting rather awkwardly at the desk in the library, scratching your neck with one hand, the other elbow was resting on your knee. And you were resting the end of your brush in your mouth.... I have never been so jealous of a brush in my entire life."

"You should have just kissed me, then. It was awfully hard to concentrate on my brush strokes with you sitting just a few meters away and my stomach full of butterflies. I had no idea what these feelings were; none of my books ever had two men in love...."

"You read the wrong books," Lan Zhan growled, and leaned in again for a kiss. But this time, he started by biting Wei Ying's bottom lip, and then soothing the pain away with his tongue. When Wei Ying gasped, in pain or pleasure, Lan Zhan took the opportunity to invade the other's mouth for the first time, licking and sucking everything he could reach, feeling his love reciprocate his actions.

Minutes, or maybe hours, later, he had lost track of time, Wei Ying pulled back to press his fingers against his bruised lips. "Stop biting, you fiend. It hurts!"

Lan WangJi admired the results of his work for a moment. "But I like biting."

"I'll get you a carrot."

"I like biting you," Lan Zhan clarified. His internal clock told him it was after nine, but he had no interest in sleeping. "I should put a silence spell on," he mused out loud.

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