Chapter 14

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Jin Ling swallowed nervously for what seemed to be the hundredth time that minute. His throat was dry, his water pitcher was empty, and there were no servants nearby. Three hours of listening to the Sect and Clan leaders bargain over which son should marry which daughter made his head hurt. Or maybe it was thinking about what he was about to do that gave him the headache.... He was about to address the Sect and Clan leaders for the first time on a subject he knew they were not going to want to listen to. Even his uncles did not know of his intentions.... He looked over at Jiang WanYin; his uncle was talking quietly to a woman dressed in the purplish-blue of the Jiang senior disciples, but she was not one of them. He looked across the room at Lan SiZhui. ZhuiGe, I don't know exactly who she is to you, but.... What I say today is for you as much as for her. He stood up and strode to the center of the main aisle, projecting as much as possible an image of confidence and knowledge and trying to downplay as much as possible his youthfulness and immaturity.

"Greetings, fellow Sect leaders and Clan leaders," he saluted. As the room quieted down, he continued. "Fourteen years ago, many of you traveled to Koi Tower to celebrate my one month birthday.

"Instead of celebrating, you mourned the death of my father, his cousin, and all those who died on Qiongqi Path. You rightfully thirsted for revenge, and so on this day fourteen years ago, you watched as the last of the Wen Clan was either burned at the stake or hanged. And yet the man who killed my father was not burned as you thought. He was hidden away from you by my grandfather and uncle. What's more, the men actually responsible for all of those deaths at Qiongqi Path were not found and killed until a few months ago!

"The ones hanged fourteen years ago today were innocent farmers and shopkeepers. Men and women who were too old to fight for their Clan. Their sole crime was having Wen as a surname!

"As for their leaders.... Wen Qing was a healer who did not fight in the SunShot Campaign. A healer condemned to death for the crime of not daring to publicly oppose her uncle. How many of your wives and daughters and nieces would have made a different choice in her place? And Wei WuXian. Condemned to death with no proof. No proper trial. My grandfather and uncle wanted his Stygian Tiger Amulet, and they were willing to do whatever was necessary to obtain it. Including framing the man for deaths he did not cause and ambushing him as he peacefully traveled to my one month celebration." The room was silent. Jin Ling was expecting someone to bluster some nonsense about trusting in the Jin leadership. But no one was able to make such a bold lie; no one other than Nie MingJue and Lan XiChen had ever really trusted Jin GuangYao. And no one had ever trusted Jin GuangShan.

He changed his tone to one less accusing. "Yesterday, many of you mourned the loss of my father and mother with me. This morning, I stood next to Wei WuXian and mourned the loss of his Wen clan friends." He knelt down and prostrated himself towards his uncle sitting at the head table with Lan WangJi. He counted to ten slowly, then stood back up. "Wei WuXian. On behalf of the LanLingJin Sect, I offer my apologies for the injustices that occurred fourteen years ago this week. If there is anything I can do to make amends for any of the cruelty caused by my grandfather and uncle, please let me know. If it is within my power, I will make it happen."

Wei WuXian had been slouching, idly drawing pictures on the table in front of him with his finger when Jin Ling began his speech. But he slowly straightened up as he realized what his nephew was doing. You little idiot! This was not the time to bring up the Wen! A quick look at his brother and brother-in-law showed they were as surprised as he was. "Ah, you're not trying to kill me anymore, so.... That's all I need for myself. I would appreciate it, though, if you'd stop hunting down my Ghost General." He paused, thinking furiously. Should I bring up a Wen pardon? No. They'll think I'm too biased.... Later, you fool. Let us handle the Wen situation later....

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