Chapter 28

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-the previous day-

Lan SiZhui and Jin Ling had found a few juniors about their ages and were busy showing off their skills to each other. Currently, they were at the practice ground having an archery competition. Jin Ling grumbled quite frequently at the quality of the bow he was given to use; regardless of its actual attributes, he was able to hold three arrows to the string and sink them into the center circles of the targets. Lan SiZhui was his usual methodical self. And he proved method over style was the better way to go because as the boys walked further away from the targets, Jin Ling had to switch to one arrow even before they hit the midpoint of the field. Even then his shots hit the center circle as often as they struck outside it, while Lan SiZhui's arrows consistently hit the center each and every time even when he stood all the way across the field.

Wei WuXian was leaning against a wall of the viewing box in the center of the field. He was theoretically watching over his charges, but in reality, he was daydreaming, mind flitting from one irrelevant subject to the next. He knew Wen Ning was alert to any dangers and relied on the other. Headmaster Hua disturbed his mindless thoughts, "Master Mo? That is your name, correct?" Wei WuXian stood up from his slouch and nodded slowly. He was acting as a bodyguard; there was no need for the headmaster to speak to him or even remember his name.... The headmaster smiled that empty smile that only moved his mouth. "I met you a few years ago. Or rather, we happened to be in the same place at the same time and you were pointed out to me. We did not meet."

Wei WuXian's initial panic lessened only slightly upon hearing that they never formally met. But the man had 'met' Mo XuanYu; was it during his lunatic period? Was it at Koi Tower or Mo Manor? "I assure you, I am unworthy of being pointed out to such an august person as the Headmaster," he saluted.

Hua turned his gaze and empty smile to the field. "You may know from my speech that I was born and raised in Gusu? My grandfather and grandmother started a small cultivation Clan not too far from your young Master Lan's Cloud Recesses. The Wen destroyed my home the day before they burned down Cloud Recesses. My son and I and my younger sister are the only survivors now.... My wife escaped with us, but she died in childbirth shortly after.... The stress of losing our family and home... the child was not supposed to be born for several months; we lost both of them."

"I'm sorry for your loss," Wei WuXian offered.

The Headmaster's empty smile slipped away, his eyes became even more flat and lifeless. "It was a long time ago. My sister cared for my son in Gusu City while I looked for work. I eventually joined the SunShot Campaign under ZeWu-Jun's leadership. At the final battle, I was separated from my squadron. Those monstrous... things kept coming. We couldn't hurt them; we could only run and be killed...." Wei WuXian felt fingers of fear climbing up his back. The Headmaster's voice was calm, quiet, flat.... "I ran and fought as best I could, but the only path clear was up.... It was chaos... dead and dying everywhere. The stench of fear overwhelming the smells of blood and fire. And then we heard the sound of a flute coming from high above the battlefield.... Eerie... that song haunts my dreams to this day." Now Wei WuXian could feel streaks of sweat joining the fingers tickling his back.... "I will never forget the horrors of that day or the feelings I felt when the man playing that flute took control of Wen RuoHan's monsters and turned them into weapons for the allies." Headmaster Hua turned his emotionless eyes to Wei WuXian. "I will never forget the man who saved us. I mourned his death and rejoiced when I heard of his resurrection." Hua looked back at the boys playing on the practice field. "After the SunShot Campaign ended, there was no place for me in Cloud Recesses.... ZeWu-Jun needed to retain his limited resources for what remained of his Sect, not take in outsiders. I understood his position, but I needed somewhere to belong. And then one day, a few months before Master Wei's death, I was walking home from work in Gusu City and came across a Wei disciple. He inspired me to become a Wei disciple, too. I felt it an honor to represent the man who saved us from tyranny.

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