Chapter 23

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The door hadn't completely shut behind Lan XiChen but Wei Ying had already turned in his husband's lap to kiss him. Even as their mouths licked and sucked, their hands were busy untying the other's sash and robes. Pulling back slightly, Wei Ying lightly pushed Lan Zhan to lay down on the floor. "I want you," he almost begged as his hands fought with the ties holding his trousers up.

Lan Zhan admired the half naked man kneeling over him. "Ride me," he commanded. "I want to watch you fly...."

"Yes," Wei Ying hissed in eagerness. Both of their trousers were still on, but that didn't stop Lan Zhan from bucking his hips up in a fruitless attempt to gain entry. "This would be easier if I got off of you," Wei Ying grumbled.

"No," Lan Zhan ordered and sat up, holding his lover tight. Wei Ying flung his head back in abandonment as Lan Zhan attacked his neck and nipples: caressing, licking, and biting. Eventually, they managed to unclothe themselves enough for Lan Zhan to position Wei Ying above him and shove his hips up while pulling Wei Ying's shoulders down, impaling the younger man.

Wei Ying bit his lower lip at the initial rush of pain; it seemed that no matter how often they did this, the first push inside stretched him... burned. But then... Lan Zhan tilted Wei Ying's body so that he brushed right over Wei Ying's pleasure spot. "So good!" Wei Ying gasped. "Lan Zhan... I lo-hove you! Lo-hove this!" he blurted. Strong thighs propelled him up and down in counterpoint to Lan Zhan's steady thrusts. Almost every time they did this, Wei Ying promised himself that he would go slow and savor the experience. Just enjoy the feelings and prolong the ending. Even as he made this vow again, his hand reached down to stroke himself to a quick release.

Lan Zhan stopped him. "No hands," he insisted. "Just me." With his hands held firm, Wei Ying would be forced to work himself into a frenzy in his quest for release. His stomach muscles tightened in anticipation of that sight. "You feel so good around me," he murmured. "So soft and warm. So tight."

Wei Ying's legs lost their rhythm upon hearing his husband speak; Lan Zhan never spoke love words during sex. He tried to regain it, but Lan Zhan constantly changed his own speed to throw him off. So, finally, he tried to stay still and let the rod inside him repeatedly attack that little spot. He felt the first tinglings as his muscles started to contract. "Lan Zhan, don't stop," he begged. "Right there. Yes, there. Dear Gods. Don't stop." He had no idea what he was babbling anymore; the waves of pleasure were rippling from his feet to his head. Over and over. Until finally they crashed and he spurted his release all over Lan Zhan's belly and chest. His release triggered Lan Zhan's, and he felt the rod inside him grow even thicker until it too started pulsing and he could feel the hot liquid dripping out of him.

Wei Ying's limbs were trembling with aftershocks, but he managed to collapse almost gracefully at Lan Zhan's side. "My knees hurt," he groused after a few minutes.

"I think I have a splinter in my shoulder," Lan Zhan countered.

"We have a bed. We really should use it," Wei Ying reminded them both.

"Mmm. I didn't want to wait."

Wei Ying rolled himself onto his side, holding his head up in his palm. "You're so beautiful," he sighed. "Even covered in all our stuff...." He ran a finger through the rapidly cooling semen on Lan Zhan's belly. "I want to come inside you. I want you to feel what I feel when you're inside me. I want to experience what you feel." Looking down at Lan Zhan's paler than normal face, he went on to reassure his lover. "I will make it good for you. If you don't like it, we can stop.... Please, Lan Zhan.... Think about it." They had discussed this only the one time. Lan Zhan had expressed his willingness to be penetrated, yet in the almost two months since that night, he had never offered or asked for it. Wei Ying loved being intimately connected to his husband, loved being pleasured inside and out. He yearned to give that connection to Lan Zhan, too.

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