Chapter 7

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"It's St. Xocolatl's Day tomorrow, Mr Kuran"

Kaname wanted to sigh at Neko's choice of using his name, but he let it slide. For now.

"Yes, I know, Neko", his tone must've put off Neko, because she flinched and looked down shyly. Kaname softened his eyes, he just hurt his best friend, "I'm sorry, Neko, I just... I haven't been feeling well lately"

She looks back up at him and gave a small shy smile, eyes closed as she tucks her fringe behind her hair, "I-It's okay, you're in a b-bad mood, I u-understand"

Kaname gave a small smile as he pats her hair, causing her to blush and open her eyes in surprise. "You're a good friend, Neko"

Neko widened her smile as her eyes twinkled, "Y-you too, Kaname"

Kaname mockingly gasped, "Did I just hear that? Did you just...", he dramatically paused and then whispered, "Say my name?"

Neko giggles at his whispering before whispering back, "Y-Yes"

Kaname wanted to coo at her so badly, 'she is quite an adorable thing'.

They both turn back to the board, just as the teacher comes in through the door. However, it was someone different.

A tall man with waist length midnight black hair and bright blue eyes walked up to the desk, putting his case onto the glossed wood.

His appearance caused Neko to pale, her eyes wide in recognition.

Strangely enough, he looked like the headmaster, except younger.

His hair was tied in a low ponytail, with a few loose strands of hair framing his pale angular face. His eyes were quite piercing too, except his showed more emotion than the headmaster's.

He dressed quite casually compared to other teachers, having a black casual men's button up shirt which revealed a bit of his chest, and some black pants.

What really caught Kaname's interest was his tattoo on his collarbone. It looked very similar to the crest of the academy.

"Quiet down, everyone", the mystery man spoke out with his deep, masculine voice. "Your old teacher has unfortunately moved to a different district, so I will be your teacher for the rest of this semester"

He turned around with a white board marker and wrote down, Mr Yagari Tsume.

So Kaname was right, he was related to the headmaster.

Kaname turned towards Neko, who only whispered, "t-that's my u-uncle"

He turned back to the class with no expression, "Anyone have any questions?"

Immediately, every girls hands were up, except for Nekonome.

Not surprising, the teacher was quite handsome.

"Are you single?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What's your favourite food?"

"How old are you?"

The emotionless teacher answered every single question without fail, and with upmost honesty. Most of his answers were 'no', with the exception of 'ramen' and 'old enough to be your grandad'.

Though, he did answer one question with a different answer.

"Why do you have that tattoo?"

The teacher turned towards the voice, where Kaname sat with Neko. Kaname's hand, which was originally up, slid down to his side.

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