Chapter 2

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He couldn't sleep, no matter what he did. He tried to focus on slowing his heart, he tried counting, he tried to do something, but it couldn't silence the thoughts that creep into his mind.

'Akane Bloodriver...', the name called to him yet pushed him away, like the hands of the ocean, 'I felt something in my chest...', he held his chest, where his heart lays, 'It felt like... it was pushing against me... like it was trying to reach out...'

The sound of his heart slowing down made him smile, feeling relaxation and exhaustion finally hitting him. He swore he felt another presence in the room, but he had no time to wonder because as soon as his eyes closed he fell into the darkness.

If only he saw what laid in the darkness of his room, those hypnotic red pools that sent out small waves of sleepiness.

He didn't even need to look, and that worried the creature of the night.

Kaname awoke the next day at the crack of dawn, the sun barely shining through the curtains. He got up, showered, got dressed and walked out his door with piece of toast in his hand. 'I had a dream... no... a memory?'

There were two figures, a man and woman. They both looked alike, same brown hair and wine red eyes, pale skin like they've never got out into the sun. At first he thought they were siblings, that is until he saw them share a passionate kiss. And it was funny, because he looked almost exactly like them.

The Kuran chuckled quietly, 'It kind of reminds me of Ai'.

"Hey, Kuran", Kaname turned towards the voice and was surprised to see the face of one of the Kiryu siblings, Ren. "You alright?"

The taller student smiled politely, "Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking of something"

The silverette raised one eyebrow, "About what?"

Kaname looked into her lilac eyes and got a flash in his head, another pair of angry lavender orbs staring back at him, holding so much rage, and it was directed at him.

He quickly shook his head and kept his smile up, "It's just...", he hesitated for a second, "Me and Ai looked very much alike, we could be mistaken as relatives"

It was only quick but he swore he saw Ren's eyes widen with panic before going back to an emotionless mask. "Is that so?"

The brown haired Kuran chuckled, "I was kidding, that's why it made me laugh", he saw the silverette hide another emotion behind her mask and he noticed what it was, relief. 'Relief of what?'

Ren smiled slightly, "Ill see you later, Kuran", Kaname waved as she waved back, turning and walking away. The Kuran let his smile drop, feeling an ache in his temple.

Another flash arrived, and it made him feel uneasy. Blood splatters and snow tainted with red, two eyes with one being blue and the other red. 'What is this?'

He looked to where the school was and strides with his long legs to the main doors, quickly heading to class. As soon as he entered the room his classmates that were girls blushed at the sight of him. They all waved and he sent back a smile, nodding in acknowledgment. In return, the girls giggled and swooned.

He walks up the stairs to the back where Neko sat, her face deep in one of her fantasy novels. She didn't notice he sat next to her until she heard a chuckle.

"Reading again I see", Neko jumped before pouting as he let out a small laugh, his smile wide. The blonde looked to where the group of girls sat and noticed their glares. She gulped and sank into her seat.

"U-uh Mr- I mean K-Kaname, your admirers...", she let out a silent squeak as one of the girls crushed the piece of paper in her hand as she glared at the blonde. "... t-they don't seem to appreciate that I'm n-near you".

Her friend glanced over to the group of angry girls and looked back at her, "And?"

Neko flushed red, "Y-your not w-worried?"

Kaname only grinned with a twinkle in his eyes, "No, they won't touch you, not when I'm here", this made his friend blush bright red, pushing up her glasses as she clears her throat.

The class dragged on and soon it was all over, everyone rushing to get to the Night class gates. Neko gulped, "Y-you wanna go too?"

Kaname was about to open his mouth until he felt someone jumped on his back, laughing in his ear, "Of course he does!"

Ai Kiryu laughed at his face as his eyebrows raised in surprise. The brunette only giggled, "You can help, you seem very good at charming the girls"

And that's how they ended up at the gates with a bunch of screaming girls on the sidelines. Ren controlled one side with ease, glaring whenever one person moved their toe out of line. Ai however...


"We're sorry, Ai! It's just we need to see the night class!", the girls pushed against the short brunette and she fell, expecting to hit the ground, only to feel strong arms hold her up.

She looked up into the eyes of Kaname as he smiled gently down at her. Ai felt something break a little in her heart, 'If only mother was here...'.

The taller man looked at the girls at the line and smiled, charming them, "Do you ladies mind if you moved behind the lines? Me and my friends would very much appreciate it", the girls squealed and instantly they were in a straight line, letting out silent squeals here and there.

Right on time, because the moon dorm gates open and out comes the students who slept during the day. The girls started squealing again, but they obeyed the request of Kaname who only asked if they couldn't stay behind the line.

As the night class students walked on he didn't notice a certain girl with long red hair walk up to him. "Excuse me"

He stiffened up at her voice, they were like chiming bells, like sweet sounds of the light bars in a piano, her voice was... perfect. He turned around, looking down at the girl he couldn't stop thinking about.

Akane gave him a small smile, but it felt a bit forced, "Did I see you help Ai and Ren?"

He finally found his voice and almost croaked but he managed to keep it normal, "Yes"

She closed her eyes, her smile widening, "Well then, thank you", she gently pats his arm and walks off with the rest of her class.

Kaname felt tingles on his skin, goosebumps rising. Even if she didn't actually touch his skin, he still felt her grasp. 'What is she doing to me?'

And that night he slept peacefully, remembering the feeling of her grip and presence.

He didn't even need the help of the red eyed creature that watched over him.

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