Chapter 1

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"What a beautiful light"

Wine-red eyes slowly opened, blinking away the tiredness as the rays of sunshine beamed through the curtains. He sat up from the double bed, releasing a silent yawn. Dark chocolate locks fell almost to his collar bone and a pale hand swept the strands of hair out of his face, going through his hair, falling immediately in place. Standing up, his long legs slowly strides to the body mirror and comes face to face with someone who seems so familiar yet not.

Kaname Kuran stood with a tired smile, 'I had another dream...', the shower was quick and soon he was wearing his black day class uniform, munching on a piece of toast as he walks out of the male day class dormitory.

He didn't have a dorm mate, being lucky to not have to share. He walks past a group of girls who giggle and swoon at the sight of him. He smiled politely at them and they all sigh with a dreamy look in their eyes. It was always like this, the same thing everyday.

Kaname walks through the class door, entering early as his teacher smiles at him kindly, "Good morning, Mr Kuran"

He smiled back, "Good morning"

There was many students that studied at Cross Academy, most buying their way into the school and some getting a scholarship. He was one of the rare few that got a scholarship, his IQ being the equal of a super genius. Although when he first started the academy almost felt familiar, a sense of déjà vu hitting him, it was like he's been here before.

He sat at his seat at the back, his eyesight almost perfect as he stared at the blackboard. A girl with short, strawberry blonde hair and black thick-framed glasses sits next to him, clutching her books to her chest.

He smiles softly at her, "Good morning, Neko"

She jumps and looks at him with almost frightened soft, doe brown eyes. She relaxes and shyly smiles back, "G-good morning, Mr Kuran"

Nekonome Juri Cross is his best friend, calling her Neko. She's related to the first headmaster of the academy, Kaien Cross, and is the adopted daughter of the current headmaster. The name of the first headmaster gave him a sense of déjà vu.

He chuckles, stroking her hair as the strands fell almost to her chin in waves, "What have I told you? Call me Kaname"

She glances up at him with another small, shy smile, "O-okay"

"Now everyone! Please get your text books out and turn to page 215...", the lessons continued on and time ticked by, soon enough it was lunch break.

The duo walked outside, the sun shining on them as they went towards a certain tree with big branches, lots of leaves and lots of shade. Kaname and Neko sat down on the soft blades of grass, sighs of content leaving their mouths at the same time.

"... h-hey, Mr- I mean K-Kaname?"


She turned her face to him, her eyes curious, "Have you found a-anything?"

Everyday she would ask this question, and the answer was still the same. Kaname smiled sadly at her, "No, not yet"

Neko smiles with sympathy, pushing up her glasses with two fingers, "I-I'm sorry, K-Kaname"

Her stutter made him soft, it reminded him of when he awoke for the first time in his life, scared of the unknown and not remembering anything. But he wasn't afraid for long, as his eyes met another pair of orbs that glowed blood red. Even with such a creepy colour, they made him feel safe and feel... happy.

As they both ate in silence, a faint screaming and shouting was heard and Neko almost rolled her eyes, knowing what it was about. Her best friend raised his eyebrows at the sound, "I always hear it, what is it about?"

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