Chapter 4

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"Sometimes forgetting is a type of happiness..."

His eyes open widely, panting from his dream. He sits up slowly, seeing he was not in his room but a private part of the infirmary. He looks out the window, noticing the darkness outside. 'How long... how long have I been out?'

He inhaled deeply, feeling the breathe flow through his chest, the oxygen pouring into his bloodstream. He felt calmer, much better.

"Bad dream?"

He snaps his head towards the sound of the voice, seeing a pair of eyes that matched the colour of his own. "Ai?"

She smiles softly, eyes warm as she walks over to sit on the side of his bed. "Hey, Kaname"

He wiped the sleep from his eyes. "What happened? Why... why am I here?"

Ai sighs as she glances out the window, seeing her sister walk around on guard. "You collapsed while talking to Aido"

He blinked, "Just Ms Aido? I thought..."

Ai tensed up, still looking out the window, "... Ms Akane helped Aido take you to the infirmary"

Kaname visibly brightened up at the name, his eyes slightly widening. "S-She did?"

'So... I wasn't imaging anything... she really was...', Kaname felt the corner of his lip twitch, itching to become a smile. "She seems... very nice"

Ai was silent for a few seconds, before responding, "She is, when she needs to be"

"When she needs to be?", Kaname mumbled to himself, eyes down at his lap as his fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. "Ai... Do you know her?"

There was another silence, before Ai turned around, her face stoic and emotionless, "Akane Bloodriver?", an emotion flashed through her eyes, unknown to him. "I knew her a very long time ago, we've known each other since me and Ren were little"

Kaname stared passively at her, "So, you know her very well?"

She closed her eyes and smirked to herself, "I knew her, once", Ai opened her eyes, the smirk still on her face. "She and I have a shared past, but we don't really talk anymore"

Kaname felt something in his chest, digging deep. He had to ask, "May I ask why?"

Ai tensed before making eye contact, "It was on good terms, if that is what you're wondering", she stood up, walking towards the infirmary door. "We parted ways so we could focus on our own... studies", she opened the door before smiling brightly at the Kuran. "Get some sleep, okay?"

The brunette walks out the door, shutting it behind her. Kaname is left alone with his thoughts.

'Good terms?'

'Shared past?'

'Since Ai and Ren were little?'

He may have been overthinking everything, but he couldn't help it. He kept thinking about the red head leader of the moon dormitory.

'She has something to do with my past'

It was a straightforward, blunt thought that had no actual evidence or proof. Yet, he's seen her, before he met her, in his dreams.

He lays back down, his eyes immediately closing at the feel of softness.


She was unlike the white snow.

Her hair, her eyes, her lips.

Her fangs.


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