The Child Of Fae Folk

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A/N HEY YALL! Happy new year! This is another dream I've been having and I'm so glad to get it out, this is very long at almost 7,000 words so I apologize ahead of time! I didn't split it up because just kept going till it was out 😅, yall like it and without farther adu here is the child of Fae folk a/n

I lived in a wintery little village nestled in a Grove surrounded my mountains. We were a suspicious folk and very in tune with our beliefs, especially our belief that we were protected by the fae and that we must always respect all life, even those that we eat must be thanked and we leave food and gifts at the edge of Yue forest that hides the entrance to our little village.

While this make us strange to the neighboring towns and the kingdom that ruled these lands they had learned long ago to leave us be, we were rules by none cept the face. All who dared try to force us died mysteriously so we were left in peace.

That being said our winters were brutal, tgo we were very accustomed to the cold even we had to be careful in the 6 month blizzard time but that time would become my favorite time of year thanks to the strange gift the fae folk left us.

My story begins in our festival to bring in the winter months, as the air turned crisp and cold and the last leaf fell from the trees we would feast for many days and have festive at the end with games, singing and over all merryness when our people returned from the neighboring town with our supplies to tide us through the winter freeze.

My name is felex, meaning happy and I was a very happy child.

I was 6 at the time and I remember being the fastest runner in the village, so when it came time for the snow run (a daring game where those who participated stripped down to their unders and bare feet and ran through the town to the edge of the Yue forest, the first was blessed with good luck for the coming year) I had signed up.

The blow of the horn started the race and I sped off like u was made of wind! My mother and father urged me on while my sister rolled her eyes as I out paced them and the baker, I passed the twin girls of our neighbor house as I sped to the outskirts of our town. I was so busy looking around me and sticking my tounge out at those I left behind I forgot to pay attention to where I was going until I heard the snap of a twig about a yard in front of me.

I whipped my head around only catching the glimmer of emerald green eyes as I fell face first in the snow.

When I emerged from the snow heap the eyes were gone from the forest line but when I jogged the last few feet there was no one there, no footprints or marks in the snow either so I chucked it up to a trick of the light but the eyes huanted me all through the day.

As evening approached we all made our gifts to the fae folk to be left at their alter in the woods and while I had made a gift of a small doll a few months prior it seemed dull and ill fitting now so I put it aside and found the smoothest piece of river glass I could find and painted it the brightest green in the dye house. It was beautiful, the light shined through it illuminating the snow in a blanket of green light! The village praised my gift saying the fae fold would definitely reward my family for such a gift and also because I won the race.

I was nervous tho, would it be enough? As everyone laid their gifts of food, drink and presents at the alter i saved mine for last and when it was finally my turn I layed the river glass directly on the alter and whispered my thank you and also that I had seen their eyes and it was beautiful before running back to my father.

In the next weeks strange events followed, for one our luck did improve dramatically which we expected just not so overwhelming! First my family spotted a white elk, one not seen for centuries in our forest, the saying goes if you touch it then wealth will befall you. Once word got to the village we all prepared to chase the gains beast but as we collectively approaches the forest the white elf emerged slow and calm as an ancient. We all stopped in awe, it had never left the forest before! But it slowly walked over to me, muzzled my face then to my older sister and did the same before walking back to the forest.

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