them or us

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A/N this is just a random thought in my head that won't go quiet. A/N

When they came it was peaceful, like a snowfall in a thick forest. It was an attempt to infect us all in one go but they failed and us who weren't infected, Replaced, could see our loved ones were no longer themselves taken over by the unknown entity.

After that humans waged a fruitless battle to save our species from the invasive infected but it ended with only a handful of us surviving, and being hunted by them but we have a plan. We found what we believe is the collective, where the being that controls all is located. So we set out witg yhe goal to destroy them. Once in for all and take back the human race.


                            The plan

My heart pounded in my chest as I eyed my leader waiting for her word on when to move, there was only five of us left and no room for errors.

'I won't fail, WE wont fail!' I thought to myself, steadying my hands on the heavy gun. I wasn't a soldier, no I was just a kid, barley in my 20s, I was the kid who was always bullied and became the adult who was always a push over, that was until I watched them try take over my mother, she fought them and being one with many health issues, her body shut down and I lost the only person who ever loved me.

"FORCUS ASSHOLE! Saki! MOVE!" Niki screamed ripping me out of my thoughts and I rushed forward out of our secured hiding spot in the local strip mall and ran towards the marked truck that was supposedly being used to transfer "It".

We didn't know what it was but they had been super secretive about it and went out of their way to take a hidden path away from knowing eyes to transport it to the capital, but Kevin a tall black man with the body of a muscle builder and the brain of a supernerd was able to hack into their transmission and we have been hitting their supplies and food trucks but this was different, forwhatever reason their supply trucks are never guarded nor have they ever sought retaliation for them, this one was heavily guarded and I had a feeling they wouldn't let this go.

I counted my breathing as our leader Niki had taught me, trying to steady the shaking raking my limbs but I forced them to keep going.

"I'm in position! Jessie take aim!" I yelled into my earpiece as I shot at them causing them to hiss and jump back taking cover on the otherside of the truck where Lance had planted bombs, we didn't gwt along well but I knew I could trust his explosive skills.

"They are in place! BLOW IT!" Jessie scream and I had just enough time to round the side of the truck to huddle and cover my ears as the explosion hit.


"Yeah, Yeah I'm ok Saki" her voice was so shaky but I was glad to her it, Jessie was the next youngest in our group at 24, she use to be a gymnast before them but she was use to fighting having grown up in an abusive household she lived for her sibling. I'd admit she was beautiful, long brown hair, light brown skin I always wondered where her ancestors came from because her genetics were flawless!

"OK let's movie the bodies and see what they were have here" Niki said as she moved out towards me with Jessie and Lance "Remember they may look like our friends and family but it isnt them, they are gone"

We all nodded as we begain removing the bodies, they looked normal other then a glowing silver ring around their eyes nut not much else was known about them other then they weren't humans anylonger the exstint of the change was unknown to us tho.

"Come on, get up kung-po" Lance said as he glanced around. "Where's the spick?"

And this is why I hated Lance, he was what he wished to think as an "God fearing pure American." In his racist bigoted mind only Caucasians were real Americans so the fact that he had to work with a N*gger, a sp*c, and ch*nk just killed him. He'd be even more upset if he found out Niki Indian American married to a Jamaican man! But it was something we all kept underwraps, we needed his explosive skills and he needed to believe she was white so he'd listen to her, it was a mess before because he refused to follow a "bleeding vigina" but it conflicted woth his "American beliefs" since she was also a high tier ranking army General with so many badges and purple hearts he had to respect her.

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